This is goodbye (last chapter)

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Kakashi pov*
I knew that it was time for training to start but I stayed up all night thinking about Naruto. There's a feeling of dread I couldn't get rid of and I don't know what to do. I stared out of my window and saw an upcoming rain storm. I decided to go to the training grounds and tell everyone that training was cancelled for today. I walked out of my house taking my time. The rain is relaxing and it helps to clear my mind. I walked passed ichiraku ramen it reminded me of Naruto and I smiled. "I'll take him there after I cancel training." As I arrived at the training grounds I saw Sasuke and Sakura. I looked around for Naruto but I didn't see him anywhere. I guess he decided to stay home because of the rain. I go to his house then. "Hay, Sasuke, Sakura. Training is cancelled for today." Sakura was about to complain again but I left before she got the chance. I passed a convenience store and stopped in to get a popsicle before going to Naruto's place. As I drew closer and closer the bad feeling I had earlier only grew once I saw Naruto's broken window. I ran to his door and knocked on it hoping to get a response but there was none. I started feeling deja vu. I his door was unlocked and I opened it. When I saw Naruto on the floor the popsicle I was holding fell to the floor. "Naruto!" I rushed over to his side and checked his pulse, but their wasn't one to check. I gently lifted his head and my heart sunk when I saw the huge cut across his neck and the peaceful smile on his face. I held Naruto's cold lifeless body close to mine and cried. Naruto's blood covered me as I held his limp body next to mine. "Damn it! Why! I was too late to save you. I failed. Forgive me Naruto. I love you." I said as I cried. I looked around the apartment. There was glass all over the floor, a rock, a kuni, and when I looked towards his bed a folded price of paper cought my eye. I lay Naruto down gently and picked up the paper. It was addressed to me.

Dear Kakashi,
If you are reading this that means I'm gone.
I'm sorry for the pain your probably going through. I couldn't take it anymore and my own team wanted me dead. You were the first person who showed me love. You were the first person to not hold a sherd of hatred towards me. Thank you Kakashi. Because of you and the little time we spent together the shitty life I had was worth it. I can't wait to see you again but it better not be anytime soon. To be honest I love you, believe it! I wish you the best. I'll be looking out for you. You proved that even someone like me can be loved. Do me a favor and barry me in the training grounds were we had our first test.
-Naruto Uzumaki

"Damn it Naruto. Not you too. First my dad, then my best friend, then Rin, then my sensei, and now you." I placed the note into my pocket and gently picked up Naruto's limp and walked outside. I stared up into the sky, removed my mask and let the rain hit my face. I jumped through the rooftops of the village and headed towards the training grounds. Once I got there I found the tree Naruto was hiding behind during our first test. I summoned Pakkun and the rest of my ninja hounds and asked them to dig a hole in front of the tree. Pakkun saw Naruto in my arms and did as I asked without question. When they finished I gently placed Naruto inside of it and covered him up with dirt. I carved Naruto's name into the tree and put Kunis with strings through them around his grave. "I'm sorry I can't give you the proper  barrel you deserve. I know that a lot of people will be happy your gone but I already miss you." I laid down on the wet grass and just let the rain take over my body. I felt empty and useless. I couldn't help when he needed it the most. I'm sorry Naruto. I closed my eyes and let the rain sooth the pain. "I'm sorry everyone"

A/N that's the last chapter tell me what you think and check out some of my other works. If you like this give me a follow

Too broken to be fixed (a kakanaru fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora