chapter 7. the well house, again

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(Eddie's pov.)

Why the fricking, frick, frickin gosh darn heck am I here! With HER! and THEM! but most importantly HER! Years of burning Christmas cards and finally throwing out that scrapbook and I'm still fEeLiNg ThiNgS!? Gosh what the frick is wrong with me... "Hey man I think I know whats wrong with you.." I wip my head around to see Richie wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh shut up dipshoot!" Frickkkk I said that outloud... "Come now play nice Richard". "But thats no funnn!" (Y/n) and Richie both laugh. Why am I in the car with these two....what? These two what? They're being the same...I'm the one whose changed gosh what's happened to me?

(Time skippp)

"Bill!" "No, no you guys, no! I s-s-s-t-tarted all this, it's my fault that your all here. This curse this fricking thing thats inside you all it started growing the day that I m-m-made you go down to the barrens, because all I cared about was finding G-g-g-g-georgie. N-now I'm gonna go in there and I don't know what's gonna happen, but I can't ask you to do this." Beverly picks somethingup off the ground "Well we're not asking you either." (Y/n) Steps forward and gives Bill a little wave "you didn't drag me down to shoot Bill, if you all would so graciously remember we were brought together by trying to assist a boy in trouble". She slaps Ben on the back and he smiles, she has that effect on people! Why no one should be fricking happy right now but she's already got two people smiling?! "You didn't do it alone then, Bill, so we're not gonna do this alone now." "Losers stick together". Gosh awkward silence... "So does somebody want to say something?" I look around "R-r-r-r-richie said it best when we were here last". "I did?... I don't wanna die?" "No not that". "Your lucky we're not measuring sticks?" "No". "Let's kill this fricking clown?" Bill smiles and (Y/n) slaps Richie on the back. "Let's kill this fricking clown".

(Smol time skip)

The house was just like you remembered it. Cobwebs or atleast I hope they're cobwebs adorning the broken glass and rotting wood that made up the place. The slightly sticky floor that creaked every three steps. And the horrible vomit inducing in Eddie's case, musty and quite stagnant air. It seemed to be like a cobweb of it's own hanging upon you and catching you up in it's entanglement before reaching its way into you lungs soaking up the moisture and life within. "Hmmmm, well I lovs what he's done with the place". Richie ever the comedian comments as inklike acid like that from before oozes down the stairs. "Beep beep Richie" Beverly states while Bill ever the leader forages ahead opening a door. While the others shine their flashlights around nervously folloing him. "Hey hey hey, thats the basement right?" "Ah! Aeh!" A wreching type sound comes from Ben as the others call out to him the door slamming itself Eddie and Bill bang on the door yelling. Your about to push them aside and break down the door when the refrigerator starts to tremble Richie standing frozen staring at it. "Ok that can't be good right?" You hear Beverly shriek and the refrigerator door creaks open. Inside laying in a crimpled heap like a puppet with cut strings is Stan....or the Stanley from your past. "It's Stan" Richie needlessly comments while you hear Ben continue to scream from the next room. Sickly demon Stan let's out a yell, "oh!" Richie takes a step back and you realize that this is for you. The head rolls right off the body as the others jump around muttering profanities in confusion. The head hits a drawer laying on the floor and settles upright with a squelch. Eddie gags into his hand as it speaks... "I'd still be alive if it wasn't for you...." the head looks straight at you before turing to Richie something moving under it's skin. "Richie what's happening to me?" The head grimaces and cries out in pain as a spindly clawed leg stabs its way out of it's cheek. More follow dripping with yellowish fluid crunching and squelching their way out of it's face. One stabs it's way out of thr corner of it's eye and Eddie cries out in horror. "Youve gotta be fricking kidding". The head seems to have developed six large main crab like spider legs to stand upon. The rest of the appendages staying small wave around while the thing begins lifting itself up begins to laugh. You place a hand on Richie's shoulder pulling him back just in time the thing opens its mouth revealing pointed teeth rushing forward. "Frick! Frick!" "Oh gosh dangit, get it away from me. Oh gosh!" The abomination scuttles around causing another bout of jumping and yelling. No surprise it seems to be coming after you and when it makes a leap for what you assume to be your face you kick it sending it flying through a what looks to be a window of sorts. "Eddie, Eddie are you ok?" Richie says walking over to where Eddie has pressed himself up against the wall. A string of siliva drips down between them and Richie looks up. His flashlight reveals the head curled up in the exposed beams of the floor above. "Oh there he is", you make a move towards Richie as the thing jumps down onto him but slip falling hard onto the floor. Your head pounds and your ears ring as you hear muffled screams. You try to prop yourself up but your limbs feel heavy and suddenly you have the need of air. You try to suck in a breath and you feel like someone has drawn barbed wire across your chest. Gasping at nothing you rediscover movement in your arms, painstakingly you drag them towards your head and putting your whole weight upon your forearms you push. You take in a breath and begin to violently cough due to the breath mainly consisting of the dust, dirt and whatever more horrifying things that once resided upon that floor that were now inside of you. Raising your head blurry eyed ears still ringing you made out the blurry shape of Ben stabbing the head that was seemingly hanging on to Richie's face while Bill pulled at it. You blink several times before letting out a groan one of your arms giving out you once again sink to the floor.

(A/n) Wowwwwwww look who's back....tis I the forever busy author who continues to post a few chapters and then cannon ball right of the edge of the world? Yes...thats me... So yes I apologize for well...that. I also apologize for whatever ^^^ THAT is. (Due to the amount of school and other stuff I did I don't know whether my descriptions are brilliant or make no sense) ANYWAYS I can't promise a good update schedule...I mean coNsISteNcY? Who is sHE?! All jokes aside tho I am sorry thank you for having patience with me I am very busy and with lots of school comes little to no time even during a global pandemic. On that note I love you all and hope this helps you however you find yourself whenever your reading this! Stay safe and feel free to comment anything and everything your comments always make my day! Byeeeeee! (Hopefully see you soon!)

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