Chapter 29;

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A/N: Shout out to @lilysophiarose for sending me the sweetest message and making my day..

- 3 weeks or so later -

Holly's POV

Harry: I'm outside love

I smiled as I read the text before placing my phone in my bag and making sure all of my lights were turned off.

I head outside where I find Harry sat in his range rover.

"Hi," I smile climbing in.

"You alright love?" He asks pulling away from the curb.

We'd been in this comfortable friend zone for the past two or three weeks, he had to go to LA for one of them but the second he was given time off he came back.

He'd call before I went to sleep, text me funny photos or text me just because, he'd send for flowers to be delivered to my apartment and told me the second he was back he'd take me on a proper date.

And here we are.

"So where are we going?" I ask watching the New York night life flash around me.

"If I tell you I'll have to kill you."

"That secretive huh?" I smirk watching him drive.

It should be a crime how attractive he looks whilst he drives.

We sit in a comfortable silence as he drives, a quiet song on the radio, taxis honking at pedestrians.

               Typical New York.

Once we arrive at a car park, Harry hands me a blindfold.

"In order for this to work out, you need to put this on."

I give him a look.

"Please Hol, for me."

"But.. my makeup will smudge.." I blush.

"I'll wipe it away after,"

I roll my eyes before tying it around my head, my vision completely impaired.

I feel Harry guide me out of the car, making sure my ankle was okay - before guiding me into an elevator before we are moving upwards. It felt like we were in the elevator a life time before it came to a stop.

Stepping out I feel the city air surround me.

We're outside?

I feel Harry guide me by my shoulders before we come to a stop. He slowly unties the blindfold before I am stunned with my new view.

"You brought me to the Empire State Building?!" I gasp looking around, I see he'd arranged for us also to have dinner up here as there was a dining table set up with food and drink.

"Thought you'd like it," He shrugs.

I give him a hug before turning around. The view is breath taking, the night sky is pitch perfect black with the surrounding skyscrapers lighting it up. The cities streets filtered with cars and buses, people who are now mere dots walking to wherever it is they need to be.

Harry stands beside me as I look out, I was scared that if I looked away the view would disappear. "I never understood why people would go on about the New York skyline, why they'd make it their twitter header or wallpaper on their phones.. but now I do. Now I see it," I smile looking out still not paying any attention to Harry.

"I guess you don't always understand beauty until it's right infront of you,"

I look up at him, smiles on both of our faces. "I guess you don't,"

We continue to stand and stare at the view for at least an hour, we talk and make jokes, I roll my eyes at Harry's attempted puns and he smirks at my sarcastic comments.

We head over to the dinner table where I see he'd had us some food prepared. Mine was a steak, his a fancy lobster recipe.

"Shocking how well you know me," I shake my head with a smile as I drink some water.

He shrugs. "The truth is, it would be shocking if I didn't know you Hol."

We begin to eat, I make little conversation as does Harry, the food too good to really have an in depth talk.

"Do you think one day this will stop and we'll be able to just be happy?" I ask.

He looks surprised by my question. "I think one day we'll be together and happy."

"You do?"

He nods. "I do,"

"What if we don't end up together?What if it all ends like last time?"

He shakes his head. "It won't,"

I raise an eyebrow. "You know this?"

He nods. "I do, we're meant to be together somehow, whether it takes us two weeks to figure it out or two years. We'll get there."

I smile at his confidence, it felt nice to know that it wasn't just me who had hope. "I know I've forgotten a lot, and I'm maybe not the girl I was but I'm trying.. I want to remember, I don't want to hold you back."

He frowns. "Hold me back?"

I swallow. "I don't want you to feel like you have to take care of me, I mean I know you feel like you have to baby me because of this," I point to my ankle still in it's cast. Only one week left in this thing. "But I'm okay Harry, just don't let me hold you back."

"You could never hold me back Hol, wherever you are I want to be."

I blush. "Where do we go from here?"

"Wherever we want to."

"Can we stay up here for a bit?" I ask looking back out at the scenary.

"Of course, I thought you meant as in with us..." He chuckles.

"I did, but for now.. I just want us to stay up here, in our world."

He takes my hand and guides up back to the fence. "Our world, I like that."

I smile looking up at him. "Me too,"

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