Chapter Two: Let the Acting Begin

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She hesitated for a second and then looked at me weirdly. "Wait, you want to die?" She questioned, leaning back, pillow still in her hands. Taking a deep breath, I explained. "No, I just know I'm going to die so I would prefer my neck being snapped." She chuckled in amusement. "Alright." The next thing I knew everything went black.

I woke up at around seven in the morning and I was craving blood. I walked out to the reception desk and asked her if she could help me with something. She followed me into the bathroom when I compelled her to stay quiet.

I couldn't take too much blood, or she would die. At first it was disgusting, but I focused on getting it out the way so that I could continue my plans. When I was done, I compelled her to not remember what had just happened.

I have this whole vampire thing down so far, of course there was the hunger that was slowly eating away at me, but it's worth it for the time being. I climbed back into the bed, turning on the tv. There wasn't anything good to watch, sadly. I turned my mind towards perfecting my actions for the next few days.

How Caroline acted after she was turned was crucial to her relationships with the other characters. Today was when she killed that man at the carnival, but before I did that, I needed to break it off with Matt.


  It was finally dark outside,and I couldn't wait to get out of this hospital room. I was going to get a daylight ring from Bonnie, so that I was covered. Staying away from the light absolutely sucked. If any form of light touched my skin if felt like I was on fire.

I left the hospital and went to the school first. This was when he finds out the key information about Caroline being a vampire. He then told Elena and Stefan, which caused the end of the nights events to play out. I came up behind him as he walked down the hallway. "Hey, Damon." I yelled getting his attention.

He turned around, glancing at me confused, but in the end, he didn't care. When he turned around, continuing to walk down the empty hallway, I began once again. "I've been remembering what you did to me." This statement made him stop and turn his attention to me. "You're crazy." He shook his head denying what I had said as the truth.

"They have been coming back in pieces." I gave him more clues, and he looked at me like I was stupid. Obviously not realizing what I had meant. "That's impossible, unless you were becoming-" His carefree demeanor was now gone, as I smirked at him

"I have a message from Kathrine." He took a step forward towards me cautiously. "She says 'game on'." I quote her, as his face pales. I turned around, ready to leave and go deal with Matt when he grabbed my shoulder. "What?" He asked dumbfounded. I shook off his hand, twisting it, before kicking him across the hallway. "Touch me again and I'll tear off your limbs." I threatened.

Damon's Point Of View

I just got done talking with Stefan when I heard Caroline. "Hey Damon." I turned around looking at her. Wasn't she supposed to be in the hospital? I didn't care at the moment, so I turned around to walk away when she continued. "I have been remembering what you did to me"

I didn't want to deal with her right now, why was she even here? "You're crazy." I mumbled, continuing to put distance between us, hoping that she would just go away. "They have been coming back in pieces." What?

I stopped in my tracks, turning towards her once again. "That impossible, unless you were becoming-" Then it hit me, she was a vampire, preppy Caroline Forbes is a vampire. How? "I have a message from Kathrine." Of course, it was Kathrine. That sneaky bitch. "She says 'game on'."

I was going to ask her more, but she turned around and started to leave. Before she could take a few steps, I grabbed her shoulder. Her head turned, and she glared at me before my arm was twisted, and I was kicked across the hallway. This was bad. "Touch me again and I'll tear off your limbs." I laid there as she walked out of the building. I needed to tell Stefan.

The New Caroline ForbesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz