16. Moving

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We've looked around all the apartments except for one. The visits were pretty quick as I could tell instantly if I liked them or not. Most of them have been nice but none of them felt right. I look over at Jake as he drives us to the last apartment. "I hope this is one."
He laughs. "You're so fussy."
"Oh come on! You know some of them were too small!"
He nods. "And there was the one that smelt funny and the mouldy one."
"Oh and the draughty one."
"Ok maybe you wasn't being so fussy then."
"I knew you agreed secretly!"
He laughs and shakes his head as he parks outside the last apartment. It's in a really pretty location. There's a park nearby and it's even closer to work.

We look around the apartment and then go to a separate room to discuss. I'm grinning from ear to ear and so is Jake. "Jake! It's perfect!"
"I know! It even has two bathrooms!"
I nod. "We don't need to fight over who showers first anymore!" I laugh as we jump up and down in excitement for a few seconds.
"Ok we need to calm down while we go check the paperwork."
"Check the paperwork? Who even reads those things?"
I frown. "I do, Jake. You never know what they might try to sneak in there!"

Jake continues to look around the apartment while I check through all the paperwork. We both sign once I'm happy there's no tricks in there. We get handed the keys and the seller leaves. I hug Jake as we bounce up and down in excitement again. He smiles. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"We'd better go pack then."
I nod in agreement.

It takes us a few hours for us to pack all our things. As I'm looking through the cupboards I find a few large bags of peanuts. "Jake why do you have to many bags of peanuts?"
"I get snacky, here watch this." He takes one of the bags from me, tosses a peanut up in the air and catches it in his mouth.
"Oh anyone can do that!" I throw one up in the air and completely miss my mouth. It hits me on the nose.
Jake laughs. "Apparently not!"
I frown and grab a handful and toss them at my face and catch two in my mouth. "The key is volume!"
He laughs and shakes his head. "That's cheating!"
"You didn't say I couldn't do it that way!" I grin triumphantly.

Whilst looking through the cupboards I found a lot of expired food to throw away, much to Jake's dismay. "How have I never noticed all this expired food in here? Some of this expired years ago Jake!"
"You didn't see it because you never look in the cupboards because you never cook."
"I occasionally cook!"
"But you shouldn't."
"What why?"
"You're... A terrible cook... One time you managed to mix up salt and sugar."
"An honest mistake anyone could make!"
Jake laughs and shakes his head.

It's 4pm when we finish packing everything and get in the car. Luckily the new apartment is only a short drive away. We unpack most of our stuff but it was getting pretty late so we order pizza and settle down on the sofa and watch TV.

We were both exhausted after we clear everything up so we have an early night to make sure we're well rested for work the next day. I groan as I get into bed. "Why is this mattress so lumpy?!"
"It's not that bad, Y/N."
"How long have you had it?"
"I think it's the first one I bought."
"Jake! No wonder it's so lumpy!"
"Ok fine it's a little lumpy... Maybe we should get a new one soon."
I nod. "Oh we definitely should!"

It was weird to wake up in a new apartment, however it was great to not have to argue over who got to shower first. It was also nice to be able to walk to work. "Don't you think it's nice to be able to walk to work?" I smile at Jake.
"Yeah, it makes a nice change." He wraps an arm around me as we walk through the park.
"It's such a scenic walk too."

We arrive at work early. Holt informs me that he's cleared me for fieldwork after my performance yesterday. I'm just sitting at my desk when Charles comes running over. "So?! Did it happen?!"
I look at him in confusion. "Did what happen?"
"Did you and Jake buy a new palace together?!"
"Oh, yeah we did. How did you know?"
"Jake mentioned you were viewing some."
I nod. "Yeah it's actually not too far from here."
"So if you've moved into a bigger place does that mean..?"
"No!" I laugh.

For the rest of the day I finish up my paperwork from yesterday's case and help Rosa with am interrogation. When I get out of the interrogation room Jake is waiting for me. "I've finished up for the day so I'm just gonna nip to the shop then come back and we can walk home together. Do you want anything?"
I smile "No I'm good, thank you."

I go back to my desk and start research for my new case. Jake's been ages at the shop... Maybe I should check everything is ok. I reach for my phone but it's not there. I must have left it somewhere. After checking the interrogation room and Rosa's desk I eventually find it in the break room. I'm filled with dread as I look down at the screen. Multiple texts and missed calls from Jake in the past five minutes.

I hurry to the captain's office.
"Y/N? What's wrong?"
I show him my phone. "Jake's in some sort of hostage situation at the shop. He said the shop is being robbed and there's multiple civilians in there, all the exits have been sealed. He needs back up, we need to go now."

Falling For My Mentor Jake Peralta X ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin