Hope Is Not the Goal

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"Well...Raf is here to stay, right?" Sadie asks and Landon nods. "Jed, our alpha, can be...hard on new people. Jed's gonna make sure Raf knows his place, follows pack rules, obeys the alpha, that kinda stuff."

"Is that what happened to you?" Landon asks

Sadie looks to him silently before pressing her lips together tight and nodding

"I came when I was 12." Sadie says. "He bullied me a little but a pack always looks out for their own. They accepted me eventually. It's like a right of passage."

"That's stupid." Landon says

"No, it's not." Sadie says, shaking her head 

 "It only sounds stupid cause you're not a wolf

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

 "It only sounds stupid cause you're not a wolf." She continues. "Me and the wolves have a certain...understanding now."

"Which is?" Landon asks

"I follow the pack and Jed is my alpha." Sadie says. "But I'm also a witch, which they respect and is why I'm not required to be with the pack 24/7."

"So you compromised." Landon says. "Sounds pretty good to me."

"Yeah, well, it's not easy being a hybrid." Sadie says. "There's only...2 others I think?"

"Wow." Landon says


A bell rings and Sadie looks around

"I don't like that sound." Sadie says under her breath

"What?" Landon asks

"Nothing." Sadie says

SADIE: My ears are wired for tracking, which makes them more sensitive to certain sounds. Plus, with all the people surrounding us, it gets easy to be nervous. And with nerves comes more sensitivity and...to put it simply, sensory overload is a bitch.

"Hey." Hope says, joining up with the two with cat ears on her head

"Let me guess." Landon says. "Pigtails spilled her guts and confessed to kidnapping Dana and Sasha. Case closed."

"Her name's Cheryl, and not exactly." Hope says. "But she did invite me to try out for the cheerleading team."

"Who are you right now?" Landon asks. "And what is that thing on your head?"

"It's a gift... from Cheryl." Hope says

"You're better than this, Hope." Landon says

"Relax, Eeyore. Dana gave it to her. It's potential locator spell material." Hope tells him. "Plus, even though Sasha and Connor are dating, Dana was sleeping with him behind her back."

"Yeah, some clue." Landon says sarcastically. "Everyone at this school knows Connor's a dick."

"Come on, Landon." Hope says. "Adultery, missing girls... It's like every TV show that old people watch. A crime of passion, I think they call it."

"I know Connor." Landon says, stopping. Hope stops in front of him and Sadie stops next to him "He's made my life a living hell, but he's not a killer. Trust me."

"Trusting you is what got us into this mess in the first place." Hope says. "Look. There he is." Sadie and Landon turn to look. "So do you want to play good cop or bad cop? Because I don't think emo cop is a thing."

"Oh, very funny." Landon says. "But while you were off making friends Sarah and I did some sleuthing of our own. Scarf in Virginia heat?" Landon points out the girl walking down the hall with a scarf. "Sounds like a lead, I think they call it.

Landon, Hope, and Sadie walk down the hall after her

The three follow her outside to where she meets up with Kaleb

He's about to bite her when Hope stops him

"Let her go." Hope says

Kaleb rolls his eyes

"Date's over. It's not me, it's you. Now forget this ever happened and get back to class." Kaleb tells the girl

"Great. Hope's already here." Lizzie groans, walking over to the group

"Thought we were cool, bruh." Kaleb says to MG

"Don't bruh him." Lizzie defends MG. "Second place or not, we know you killed Dana."

"Wait. Dana's dead?" Hope asks

"Dr. Saltzman said they found her dead from a vampire bite." MG says

They all look to Kaleb

"I didn't kill her, so y'all need to get the hell outta my face." Kaleb says

Kaleb speeds away. Lizzie throws a spell in his direction and he stops, holding his head and groaning

"Come on, guys, let's go." Lizzie says. "It's hero time."

"To the Blondemobile." Hope says

The five walk over to Kaleb

"Not so fast, Kaleb." Lizzie says, pulling her spell from him and he takes his hands away from his head

"I told you, all I did was feed." Kaleb says. "Torture me all you want to, but my answer's gonna remain the same... because I didn't kill Dana."

"Uh, he's right." Landon says

"What, so you're a mind reader now, Landon?" Lizzie asks him

"Call it a hunch." Landon says, nodding over to the direction of the woods where Dana is crawling out of

Landon helps Dana to the bench where she talks to the group

"We were on the way to graffiti that mill at your school." Dana says. "It was a harmless prank. But then I got snatched. Next thing I remember, I woke up in a ditch. So enjoy it while you can, Lizzie. I'm sure I look like crap." She feels her neck. "Oh, my God. What is that?"

"It's... Someone help me out here." Hope says

"It's the mother of all hickeys." Lizzie says. "You're fine, Dana. You're just a-a little slutty."

"I don't even like any of you." Dana says, standing up and walking. "I should be talking to the cops."

Landon stands in her way

"I can't let you do that." Landon says

"Ad somnum." Hope says and Dana falls to the ground

"I mean, she can't let you do that." Landon corrects

"So you didn't kill her." Lizzie says to Kaleb. "You freaking turned her?"

"Turned her? You think I want to sit and listen to that for all eternity?" Kaleb asks

"Well, someone did, and that means that we transitioning vampire here." Sadie tells them

"So what are we gonna do with her?" Hope asks


Hope you enjoyed that chapter!!

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Next chapter up NEXT MONDAY


Stay safe in quarantine 

Sadie Auburn //Book One// - Legacies - COMPLETEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin