Ch. 3 | Deathbeds

Start from the beginning

The ships that made it out of the battle at Starkiller are landing around you and their pilots are quickly jumping out of their ships and running to various loved ones or posts to report to who knows who.

Chewie lowers the Falcon's ramp with Finn in his arms and exits the ships without a backward glance at you. You're not sure if you're terrified that the Wookie basically hates you or if you're sad, it may be an equal mix of both.

As you walk down the ship your eyes connect with a short grey haired woman and you know instantly you're looking into the eyes of the Resistance General and former princess, Leia Organa.

You're not sure what to do as you walk up to her. What if she blames you for what happened? What if she's mad at you like Chewie is? Your worries are eased when she gives you a small smile once you're within arms reach of her. It breaks you. An ugly sob racks through your body and you cover your face with your hands, embarrassed at the first impression you're making. You're about to lower your hands to apologize but can't because the older woman wraps her arms around you which only makes you cry even harder.

"I'm so sorry about Han. I tried...I tried," you manage to choke out.

"I know dear. I know," she says as she rubs your back to comfort you.

When you manage to calm down, you pull away from her and give her a tear soaked smile.

"Chewie is mad at me because of what happened with Kylo after-" Leia interrupts you the moment you mention her son.

"What happened with-" she asks but is interrupted when a man with black curly hair marches toward you with a very angry look on his face. You assume he's a pilot based on his orange uniform.

"You! Is it true?!"

"I...uh...what?" you ask, confused. You have no idea who the man yelling at you is and you're not sure what you've done to piss him off. It seems to be a recurring trend so far, everyone is mad at you and Leia probably will be too. In a very unattractive way, you wipe your nose with the back of your hand and roughly wipe the tears from your face.

"Is it true you left Finn alone in the snow so you could go comfort Kylo Ren?" the man practically spits as he yells at you. Leia's eyes widen at his words and she glances from him to you.

"That's not exactly how it happened. I-" the angry pilot cuts you off and takes a step towards you.

"So it is true. He's your friend! How could you abandon him for that...that monster! He's-"

"That's enough Dameron!" Leia practically yells. Everyone shuffling around you stops and starts to gawk at the scene the three of you are making. You've known Leia less than ten minutes and you're already a little scared of her.

Despite her size and her age, the power the woman emanates is astounding. It's not magical Force power, it's a commanding presence that proves she's a force to be reckoned with. You know without a doubt you never want to do anything to piss off the frowning woman stepping in front of you to protect you from a verbal thrashing.


"No. I don't want to hear it. You don't even know her or what happened. You have no right to interrupt our conversation to yell at her about something you weren't there for."

"Yeah but Chewie-"

"You weren't there and Chewie was only there for half of it so get the hell out of my face and never talk down to me again. I don't care that I'm new here or that I don't have anywhere to go. If this is how I'm going to be treated you guys can fuck off. I'd rather go back to Kylo and the First Order than be treated like shit," your scratchy voice cracks while you rant at Dameron, courtesy of Kylo's death grip on your neck. It makes your speech a little less threatening but based on the looks you're getting from the now frozen spectators, the message is still delivered.

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