Chapter Fifteen: That's Rich

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"Dad, this is insane! I was thinking of a small gathering of our family and friends, not a three ring circus." I gestured towards the disarray happening on his property. "This is over-the-top, you have to admit. Scottie is literally going to be the only child here!"

"Is it wrong for me to want to spoil my only grandchild?"

I took a deep breath. This conversation was not going to get anywhere other than possibly making me look like the asshole. I guess I should have been grateful he cared so much about Scottie.

"No, you're right. Thank you for hosting her party," I was thankful that Dad had gone out of his way to throw this for Scottie. It took the pressure off of me, at least. "You have fun directing traffic, I'm going inside. People should be arriving soon."

My sense of time was accurate. As soon as I walked into the front room, Paul and Steph came through the door. Scottie, who had previously been playing quietly with Leslie, jumped up to greet them.

We gave our round of hugs and I thanked them for coming. Paul picked Scottie up and walked over to chat with Leslie. Steph asked me where our wonderful parents were.

"Dad is out back supervising chaos, and Mom is micro-managing the catering staff."

"Oh god, she's in the kitchen? I'll save them," she said, heading that direction.

Not too long after, Shawn arrived, with Cameron. I couldn't believe I had forgotten about his son. At least there would be another kid to enjoy the chaos out back.

"Am I in the right place?" he asked when I opened the door. "You said this was just a small thing."

I rolled my eyes. "It was supposed to be, but Dad got a little carried away."

Scottie ran over to us, and Shawn crouched down to hug her.

"Hey, sweetheart. Happy birthday."

"Did you bring me a present?" she asked excitedly.

"Scottie, where are your manners?" I asked.


Shawn laughed softly. "I sure did." He handed her a box wrapped in pink paper. I wondered if he knew that was her favorite.

She took it from him and gestured for him to follow her, which he did. He carried Cameron, who looked sleepy from the car ride, on one hip.

"Uncle Paul, Uncle Paul! Come look!" Scottie tugged on his pant leg until he paid attention to her.

The two of them followed her to the corner of the room, where her presents were being kept until it was time to open them. She piled Shawn's on top of the rest. Half of them were from Mom and Dad, as much as I tried to limit them.

"Woah! Who are all those for?" Paul asked.

Scottie pointed to herself. "Me!"

Paul scooped her up and tickled her until she couldn't stop giggling.

"What do you need all those presents for?" He asked once she calmed down.

"My birfday."

"Your birthday? Are you turning... 24?"

"No, silly," she stuck her little tongue out at him.

"How old are you, then?"


"Four! You're a big girl now."

"How old are you?" She asked.


Remind Me [WWE] [Shawn Michaels] {Book 2}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat