Annoyingly Cliche Werewolf Story. (2)

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Walking down the sidewalk, Thomas sighed to himself. He passed a group of girls, who all giggled as he smiled at them, scanning their faces for any sign that they could be his friend's mate. No, "not any friends", and they all seemed pretty popular.

Suddenly, he saw a girl, crossing the street and coming towards him. She seemed to be headed for the small grocer's store he was standing just in front of. Her dark hair fell down nearly to her waist, and her large, languid blue eyes scanned the area nervously. She moved with a certain grace, her arms out delicately as if to keep her precise balance.

She had to be the girl!

"You!" he called out in surprise, and her liquid eyes turned on him, clearly worried. Dashing into the store, she pushed past him. "Ronnie!" she called out loudly.

"No, wait!" Thomas caught her arm. "What's your name?"


"Where do you go to school?"

"I'm not telling you that!"

Thomas tightened his grip on the girl's arm. "Tell me where."

Delilah's eyes widened. "Jefferson Park High," her bottom lip trembled.

A man neared the door of the store, and though Thomas couldn't see his expression, he could bet it wasn't happy.

Using only a small edge of his werewolf speed, Tom took off back towards the apartment to tell Seth that he'd found her.


"Lile... You okay?" Ronnie asked her, flipping a strand of dark hair out of his face.

"F-fine," she paused. "Is it bad if someone knows my name and where I go to school?"

"Your full name?" he asked her.

"No-just first,"

"Oh, then it shouldn't matter." He waved his hand dramatically, as if waving her concerns aside. "How many 'Delilah's' could there be? I mean, it's a huge school!"

Letting a smile slip onto her mouth, Delilah pulled off her over-size t-shirt, revealing a tight, long-sleeved thermal top. She straightened the sleeves out all the way to her wrists. "You're right, Ronnie. Thanks,"

Ronnie grinned broadly, and the same strand of hair fell into his face again. He frowned and blew it away.

Glancing at the stack of large boxes near the door, Delilah's face became serious. "I'll put away the new stock, you man the register."

Glimpsing the practically-empty street, Ronnie looked back at Delilah's blank face. "I'll help you put everything away. No one's gonna come in for a while, anyway."

"Sure," as Delilah headed toward the boxes, Ronnie flinched as her frail arms struggled to lug one of the can-filled boxes onto a counter.


"You found her?!" Seth grinned like a maniac. "How is she? Is she beautiful? What's her name? When can I see her?"

"Fine, I guess. She's pretty hot. Her name's Delilah and you can see her whenever you go to the... uh... umm... Jefferson Park High School; that's all I know."

"Okay, so: One, don't call my mate hot. Two, enroll me in Jefferson. Do you wanna come, too?"

Thomas smirked. "Sure, why not? Hell, maybe I'll even find my mate."

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