When You Get Caught sneaking out

Start from the beginning

"Riley!Get out of the car!Huey rigged it!"You warned Riley and Riley got out of the car and stated running yelling,"I believe in you!"You responded,"I shall get a cupcake in your honor!"

You ended up having the best time of your life while Riley not so much,but hey least he got a cupcake.


"So she's not letting you help run it?It's just a party that's lasts for an hour,plus it's just a party a freshman is throwing?"Charile said over the phone."Here's the thing,she was a cheerleader in high school and she doesn't want me to go to a freshman party"You said.

"Wow,what a drama queen,I say you revolt against her by sneaking out"Charile said as if it wasn't a problem.But it was.Jazmine is hanging out with Huey for the whole night,so basically it's being a idiot and sneaking out or living.

You thought about it until you were like,"You know what,I will"Charile responded,"That's my girl!Now get ready and rebel!"Charile hung up and you decided to make your first move by sneaking downstairs.

But,Huey saw you and said,"What are you doing"You responded,"Oh,I'm just getting something to drink"He looked at you before going back to Jazmine.

You sighed in relief,"I can't believe he bought that,"You thought as you went to the security system and turned it off and went back upstairs.You got upstairs and locked the door behind you.

"Now to the next ste-"Your thoughts were interrupted by Charile Knocking on the window and you put a hand on your mouth shush in him as you heard footsteps.

You signaled him to go downstairs as you put something down and turned the lights off and unlocked the door.

You jumped to the bed and the door opened to reveal Jazmine.She looked at your f/s/c (favorite show character) on the floor."Hmm,must've fell"Jazmine thought as she put it back on the shelf and left the room.

Once you were sure she left,you got dressed and jumped out outside to Charlie,at least that's what you thought until you saw Huey and Jazmine outside looking at you both.

"M-M-Ms.Dubious and Mr.Freeman,I'm sure we can come to conclusions right"Charile said nervous taking your hand.

For the rest of the night,you weren't running a party,you were running a all out police chase.


You and Charile both hung out since tonight was the party and you wanted to sneak out together.But what the two didn't know was that Cindy was going to be at the house all night with Riley.

So once they came downstairs,they saw them laughing and talking and you guys quickly went upstairs making another plan.

"No that wouldn't work!We need to think of something that both of us can do and not disguise ourselves!"Charile says and you agreed.

"This is harder than I thought"You said sighing almost in defeat until Charlie sat up and put his fist on his hand,"I have an idea,but you may like it and not like it"You nodded listening to him.

"So,we go separate ways,you go downstairs since you know the house more than me and know what stairs creak and don't.I'll go outside and look and wait for you"At first you were against this,but agreed.

You both got ready and Charile went outside and gave you a thumbs up and you went downstairs quietly,avoiding every squeaky step.You sighed in relief until the light came on to reveal Cindy and Riley.

You gulped until they said,"So,you didn't invite us to this party"Cindy said and you looked up the your sister and her boyfriend.

"What are you standing for,you have a party to go too"Riley said as he passed his car keys and you thanked them and went outside.

That's how you drived without your license,and got away with it.

Question of the day:How would you react if Riley was actually gay and was just hiding it the whole time?

Birthday count:5 days😖

Hey guys,I know it's been long since I updated,but I finally did and might take a break from my other scenario book that I'm working on since I kinda recently finished a section  (Someone requested so I'm working on that rn).But,for now have a good night cause so far I'm facing one my fears and you could already tell by what time it is.I know it's childish,but it's one of my fears.

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