Time seemed to stand still when he was taking in a fighting position while standing outside on a wing of the plane, facing the uncertainty.

"I feel it! The shining energy of a Star Seed." A female voice laughed devilishly.

Mamoru was blinded by a bright light in front of him. He managed to speak though

"Who are you?"

The evil voice replied with a firm tone

"Ruler of the entire galaxy, Galaxia."

He had never heard of this title before and neither of this woman, who was stepping out of the bright light.

"Why are you doing this?" He heard himself asking her "What's the purpose in inflicting pain and suffering on innocent people?"

Instead of an appropriate answer, he only received a quite arrogant explanation by this sort of enemy who rather looked like a Sailor Senshi to him in her golden fuku.

"The entire galaxy belongs to Me! I decide on how things are to be treated!"

This selfish behavior Mamoru couldn't let count. With a determined voice he retorted

"The galaxy belongs to nobody."

This didn't seem to be her opinion and it started to get quite dangerous for Mamoru when she uttered

"Do you want to clarify that?"

The bad woman didn't hesitate at all and bursted out a tremendous energy from the two golden bracelets, wrapped around on each of her wrists.

It hit the target completely, merciless.

There was no way for him to get out of this situation alive and when the mask fell off and his shining bright Star Seed was in her hands, the devilish woman was delighted.

"The Star Seed in charge of the Earth! Now this planet is in my hands!"

Before everything went black for him, Mamoru was able to clarify indeed what Galaxia had requested him to do. While he was kneeling on the ground, making his last words in this world, he declared

"I don't think so. On this planet, there are agents of love and justice. Sailor soldiers who keep the peace. They will definitely strike out your evil ambition."

He looked up at the sky now, his gaze filled up with nothing but utter hope when he made his last breath. His very last thought was dedicated to


Before everything could start, it ended.

There was silence. Just silence. Nothing but utter silence. Until Mamoru opened his eyes.

"He's back! Look!" It sounded like a whisper, trying to reach out for him.

'What happened? Was this just a dream?'

Mamoru blinked a few times, rubbed his eyes and finally gazed around. He hardly could see anything since his view was somehow blurred by a mysterious fog.

"Where am I?"

He felt juicy, damped grass, a scent of rain was in the air but there weren't any drops hitting his head, neither to the soft, green ground.

Apparently he was on a glade, surrounded by tall dark green conifers. A beautiful, silent lake was directly in front of him. Gradually, the vision became clear as the fog dispersed.

Mamoru leaned over and took a look at his reflection. He froze once he realized that he wasn't alone any longer. Four other heads where shown next to him in the natural mirror.

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