The Rogues are back

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I was pretty much smiling, chuckling and sipping my coffee while listening to Peter rant. I had grown very fond of his rants because of the excitement he shows in them. It was nice to know that Peter has not completely lost his innocence even after everything he has gone through. 

Finally, after he finished his rant, I said, "Nice job, kid. And it's good to know that you were not hurt while doing it. I would also be surprised about the program but because it's you, I'm not surprised as I've seen you hack into the SHIELD database in just 9 minutes right in front of me. But still, I'm proud of you, Pete."

Nobody's POV:

Peter was grinning ear to ear while being praised by his mentor. Even though it happens often nowadays, it still means a lot to Peter when Tony tells him that he's proud of him.

Tony knew that he has to tell Peter about the Rogues coming tomorrow. He also knew that it would completely change the atmosphere in the room, but there was no way he was facing the Rogues without Peter tomorrow. He would almost definitely have an anxiety attack. So he decided that the blunt approach would be best.

While Tony was lost in his own mind, Peter had gone to the kitchen to grab himself some snacks. He came back to the living room with hands full of snacks. He sat down on the couch and started eating it. 

Tony decided that it was a now or never and said, "Peter"

Peter swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "Yes, Tony?"

"The Rogues are coming to the Tower tomorrow", Tony said, When Peter looked like he's going to argue, Tony continued, "We don't have a choice in this, kiddo. It was either they remain criminals or they stay in the tower on house arrest for three months before being pardoned." Tony was going to ask if he would stay in the tower tomorrow but noticed that Peter was taking out his phone. So he just watched what Peter was doing.

Peter called his Aunt May and asked, "May, can you call the school and tell them I can't come to school tomorrow?...... No May, I'm not skipping school for a lab day. It's actually more serious than that. The Rogues are coming to the Tower tomorrow at noon and I don't want Tony to be alone with them......Also can I just stay here today? Today is Thursday anyway..... Thank you, May. You're the best! Larb you. Bye!"

After Peter finished the call with May, he looked at Tony and said, "I'm going to be with you tomorrow when those backstabbing bitches come, whether you like it or not. So don't even try to talk me out of it."

Tony chuckled and said, "I was actually going to ask you to stay with me. I don't know if Rhodey will be able to come and I really did not want to be alone with the Rogues. I know that I haven't had an attack in a while but meeting the cause of the attacks is sure going to trigger something and I do NOT want to breakdown in front of them."

Peter just smiled at Tony and said, "Don't worry, Tony. I'm gonna be here and if Capsicle or his team give out one rude comment about you, I'll show them who's the boss around this place. And imagine the look on Capsicle's face when he is defeated by a 16 year old in a matter of seconds."

Tony just laughed and ruffled Peter's hair to which Peter scowled. 


After a late night in the lab, Tony and Peter fell asleep on the couch in the lab. Tony had informed Rhodey about the Rogues and Rhodey told Tony that he would be in the tower at 11 AM. 

At half past ten, FRIDAY decided that it was time for her boss and Peter to wake up, but instead of waking them up like she normally would, she started playing AC/DC from the speakers in the lab at 50% volume. She would have played it at a 100%, but that would hurt Peter due his heightened senses.

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