2 - Incident at the Train Station

Start from the beginning

"Well, I was gonna go to that book café again." His lips stretched into a small smile. "I can't get enough of it. They really know how to do their job."

"Huh..." I trailed off.

"Actually, I heard you say something about Eunwoo and Chaeyeon." He brought up. "Something wrong?"

"... Yeah, see... The thing is..." I rubbed my nape. "Eunwoo and Chaeyeon were gonna go to that café."

"... By train?!" Rocky's eyes widened. I replued with a nod. "Wow... How brave of them..."

"I know, right?" I nodded. "So, as you can see, those two are struggling."

"... Not surprised." Rocky sighed.

"Maybe I should go with them..." I muttered. "But they were so hyped up over a train ride..."

"... How about we follow them?" Rocky suggested. "Ah, wait, nevermind. You had plans."

"Nah, it's fine." I shook my head. "I'm fine with missing my event. I can go tomorrow instead."

"Wow, never knew you cared about those two." He sarcastically rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I shrugged. "Now, c'mon. Let's go follow them before we lose them.

[ Lee Eun ]

"Ugh... We barely made it... We kept losing each other in those crowds..."

"Tell me about it..." Daehwi heaved out a sigh. "But on the bright side, we're here."

"Yeah. I'm glad we made it- Hold on..."


"H-Hwi...! The train we need to take departs from that platform!" I pointed at another platform as I started to panic.

"W-wait, what?! What do you mean?!" His eyes widened. "The color of the mark for the train we need to take matches the one on the information display!"

"Mhm, but that platform has the same mark, too." I tried calming down a bit so that I can explain it to him properly.

"... Huh?!"

"Um, to put it short, the inbound and outbound lines run on different platforms." I briefly explained. "The one on the information display heads the opposite direction of where we're going."

"O-oh..." Daehwi rubbed his nape as his cheeks turned pink. "I had no idea..."

My lips stretched into a small smile as I turned him around, massaging his shoulders.

"Deep breaths." I instructed him. "You don't need to apologize. I get that you don't ride trains often."

"B-but still-"

"Look, I kept losing you while we were stuck in the crowd." I let out a small laugh. "It's fine. Let's just hurry to the other platform. The train will be here any minute now."

"Y-yeah..." He smiled.

[ Park Woojin ]

"... They got lost again? Seriously?" Donghyun furrowed his brows before we started following them.

"Well, I'm not surprised." I rolled my eyes before checking my watch. "They better hurry. The train's gonna arrive soon."

"Damn right."

We followed them all the way to another platform... Another WRONG platform.

"Do they even know they're on the wrong track?!" Donghyun whisper-shouted. "Do we tell them?!"

"Oh, hell no." I shook my head. "Let them board the wrong train. We're only helping them when they're seriously in danger."

"Okay then..."

We boarded the train, still keeping our distance from the two.

[ Moon Bin ]

"Damn, we better not get lost." Rocky rolled his eyes. "I hope they realize what train this is."

"They will." I nodded. "It happens all the tims. Just watch..."

[ Jung Chaeyeon ]

"Whew... We made it..." I huffed out a sigh as the train started moving.

"So we actually did it right, huh...?" Eunwoo smiled.

"Yeah..." I chuckled before my gaze averted to the map. "Wait a minute..."

"Hm? What's up?"

"Are you sure you read the map correctly?" I raised a brow.

"... Yes?" He furrowed his brows. "I think?"

"... Did you double check?"


"Thought so." I heaved out a sigh.

"Wait, why? What's wrong?" He looked at me, concerned.

"Well..." I started off. "That monitor shows that this is the express train."

"... Wait, what...?!" His eyes widened.

"We were supposed to take the local train...!"

"W-wait, what...?! Ugh... Why is this happening to us...?!"

To be continued...

A Promenade Under Sunny Skies - l.dh & c.ew [✓]Where stories live. Discover now