"Don't worry Raven your secret is safe with me. Always."

They hugged each other before heading to bed. When the dawn arose from the sun, Raven got up early to head down to the castleteria to eat before others got there. As she sat down, she felt hands cover her eyes. 

"Dexter I know that's you."

"How did you know?"

Raven turned with eyes open to see Dexter behind her acting shy and she thought it was cute. 

"I have my ways.. besides I have an answer for you bout the date tonight."

"Really!? I-I mean...cool heh."

Dexter tried to act cool and chill around Raven and she giggled.

"Yes. I've decided to go with you as long as it's somewhere where no one can bother us and we can talk. How does that sound?"

"Sounds like a great plan to me. I guess I'll pick you up at 5?"

"Sure thing."

"Cool. Anyways I gotta head to the Computer Lab to help Humphrey with some work..OH! I almost forgot something."

Before Dexter left, he leaned down towards Raven, giving her a kiss on the cheek before running out of the castleteria, leaving a speechless and blushy Raven behind. She smiled and touched the place where he kissed her seconds ago. That grin wasn't gonna leave for awhile, that's for sure. After the day went by, Raven looked her mirrorphone to seeing it was 3:30. She ran to her dorm, seeing Cerise and someone else she didn't know. 

"Oh sorry if I'm interrupting anything."

"Oh you're fine Raven besides I have someone you'd like to meet. Raven this is Madeline Hatter, daughter of the Mad Hatter. Maddie, this is Raven Q- Fairy, yeah Raven Fairy, daughter of the Dark Fairy."

Lucky Cerise kept her cool as she almost spilled out Raven's secret. Raven walked over to Maddie, shaking her hands with generous smile. Maddie got up and smiled crazy which kinda seem odd to Raven. 

"Oh my gosh it's an honor to meet Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen. I've heard a lot about you from the narrators who's telling our story. And it's alright Raven you're secret is safe with me."

Maddie smiles, seeing Cerise and Raven speechless as they could barely register what she just said. 

"B-But....ok you got me. I'm actually Raven Queen, not Raven Fairy but I didn't want to be known as Raven Queen for personal reasons. But thanks Maddie...I appreciate it. Oh gosh, I'm losing track of time! I only have hour before I can go on my date with Dexter."

Raven starts to panic, trying to find something her style before it struck 5. Lucky Maddie and Cerise were able to help with the makeup and seeing which combination of clothes fit Raven most. When it was 4:55, Raven saw herself in the mirror gasping at her reflection. She was wearing a purple blouse with rip cut jeans and a leather jacket that fit her style very well. She also wore small earrings with a necklace that had her family's crescent. (remember this for later!) Then they heard a knock at the door with a nervous prince behind it. As Raven opened the door, there was Dexter being a cute shy person to Raven.

"Ah hi Raven you look...gort... I mean GREAT! Great yeah heh..." 

Raven giggled, seeing his reaction was cute. 

"You look handsome as well. Ready to go?"

"Oh! Yes. Let's be on our way then."

Dexter had sure his date with Raven would be spellbinding for her forever after. As he took her hands with his, he walked towards the back of Ever After High with a purple awaiting for them. Raven gasped, seeing the beautiful dragon before her. 

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