Chapter 3 • Ua vs LOV

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"Okie me teleport u all"
Pringles teleported everyone except Ua
"Ok we have final showdown"
Ua I locked her secret quirk which was fireball shoot big power
She shot pringlrs and he hurt
She shoot cc and cc run and melt it come back to life later
She get shot by dawn and faints but re awakens with plot Armour and mha main character too opness
"I defeat u LOV now" ya yelled
She shot them all and they almost die then run
"Haha noobs get wrecked"
Suddenly dream and bolonges appeared
"We kill u chase we traitor lmao also so is mr sleep cause he let me in" dream said
They shoot Ua and she faint

"E" Ua says
Ha burned the the ropes and escaped
"Bruh" bolonges said
"Get back here grrr"
"No" Ua said
Ua ran and broccoli was there
"Hi broccoli"

"Hi" interview man said
"Hi" Ua said
"Ok why did u get kidnapped"
"Idk my dude"
"Epic ok bye also ur not famous anymore lmao"
Ua cried

"How do we catch her" bolonges said
"Idk bruh" cc said
"We train and get big strong" Dawn wings said
"Ok" they all said
"Let's kill her" CC said
French escapes while they were not looking
"Where is French" Dawn said
"Idk bruh" cc said
"Let's go find her" dream said
Dream disappeared

Ua cries
"Why r u crying" broccoli days
"Me no fame"
Broccoli walks away
French and dream appear
"Hi we good it was all fake bolonges is evil still"

"We gotta find them or else we will die" cc said
"F" the villains said
"F" everyone on the street said
"F" everyone in the world said
"Grrr" said cc
"I think they escape to Ua" dawn said
"We attack omg" Pringle's said
Pringles destroyed the city to attract police so they couldn't stop when at Ua
"Big brain" said cc
They arrive at Ua
"Ok let's go kill the 3" said cc
"Don't we need them to live" said bolonges
"No" said cc
Suddenly the villains were attacked

"Ok that's how u make top quality memes" presentation Michael said.
"Ok" the class said
"Lol ur boutta get attacked" presentation Michael said
"Ok" the class said
Suddenly they were attacked
"Plz not now" said French
"Ok" said the villains
"You get 1 day uwu" dawn said
"Stfu" Ua said

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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