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"ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜ...."


Thursday| September 24, 1995
[6:48 pm]

I walked along the streets of Manhattan, New York on my way home from being out by myself. Now to tell you about myself, I'm just a normal girl with a boring life, nothing special. At school I guess you could say I was unnoticed but I couldn't care less. I quite liked it actually, i've never really been comfortable around people, i'm kinda socially awkward I guess. Getting attention from people who will most likely not be in my life in 10 years is pointless.

The only person in my life who pays attention to me is my mom. Its just me and her, my dad left when I was around six years old or something. I mean how could I remember I was so young, I don't even remember what he looks like. Anyways back to me and my mom, her and I always get into arguments. They're always about the same things too, me sneaking out, me being out in the streets at night, but I know she just worries about me. Well I don't even sneak out to do anything bad, I just liked walking around at night, it felt nice. I can't blame her for worrying, Manhattan during the night time isn't so safe.

We live in a small apartment, it's not much but it's nice. The walls are a shitty color of light purple. There's two small rooms and a small bathroom. A small kitchen and living room. We have a fire escape, I love having a one, that's how I sneak out at night. Sometimes I just sit there and look at the sky. I love the sky especially at night, it feels so mesmerizing to look at. I walked along the sidewalk taking in the colors of the sky.

"hey you, girl" someone called out. I stopped in my tracks and turned to face where the voice had came from. I could feel my heart rate becoming faster. I saw some boy who looked around my age pointing at me, there were three other boys standing next to him. "excuse me" I replied. "you got a lighter" he asked walking closer to me with the other three guys following behind him."yeah" I said reaching for my lighter, I always carried a lighter. I don't smoke, I just like burning things. "can I borrow it for a sec" asked the same boy. "sure" I said handing him the lighter.

He took it from my hand and took out a blunt. As he was lighting it I looked at the other boys. The first boy was short compared to the others, the boy next to him was the tallest. I took my eyes away from him and looked at the last boy, there was something about him. I felt like I had seen him before, I just couldn't remember where. He looked at me when he noticed I was staring at him. He gave me a small smile, but I awkwardly looked away.

"here you go, thanks girl" said the guy handing me back my lighter. I took it from his hands and put it back in my pocket. When I looked back up at the four boys they had already walked away. I watched them walk away wondering if i'd ever see them again. Finally, I turned away and started walking back home, everything had happened so fast but it's whatever.


I walked in through the door of my apartment and immediately the scent of vanilla hit my face, the apartment always smelled like that. "mom i'm home" I said walking into the living room. There was my mother, passed out on the couch while the tv played in the background.I looked at her and a small smile plastered on my face. I went over to her, grabbed a blanket next to her and pulled it over her body.

I quietly walked into a little hallway that led to both of our rooms. I went into my own and immediately collapsed onto my bed. I laid there thinking about my day and those boys I had ran into. The last boy looked so familiar, I just couldn't figure out where I had seen him before, but it's not like it matters anyway.

I let my mind wander while I picked out clothes from my drawer. I quietly walked to the bathroom and laid my clothes on top of a little shelf. I opened the shower curtain and bent over to turn on the water. I let the water run as I got undressed. I stepped carefully into the shower and let the warm water hit my skin.

[night time]

I laid in bed staring at the ceiling while I fidgeted with the hair tie around my wrist. I couldn't sleep, this always happens, i'd lay in bed without getting any sleep. When this happens I go out to the fire escape and look at the stars to pass time, and hope at some point I get tired enough to sleep.

So I did exactly that, I grabbed a hoodie and slid it onto my body. I was wearing sweatpants and my hair fell over my shoulders. I quietly opened up my window and a cool breeze hit my skin. I climbed out of the window and quietly sat down. I leaned against the wall as I had my knees to my chest, having my arms wrapped around my thighs and legs holding them together.

A couple minutes later I heard rattling coming from above me. I slowly looked up and I made eye contact with a person. I could feel my heart rate begin to speed up. I could see the figure start coming down to where I was sitting and I kinda prepared myself for what was to come.

"hey, sorry if a scared you" said a voice as they stood in front of me.
"it's fine" I said furrowing my eyebrows, as they stepped closer into the light. I was talking to a boy, he had blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and he was tall. I slowly started to recognize him, he was the same boy I had seen earlier.

"aren't you that guy, you were with these three guys, one of them asked me for a lighter" I said furrowing my eyebrows. "yeah" he said also slowly realizing I was that girl. "you mind if I sit down" he asked smiling at me. "go ahead" I smiled back at him. I felt his shoulder brush against mine as he sat down. "my names Jim by the way" he said turning to look at me. "Rue" I said looking at him too. "I like your name, it's unique" he said smiling at me. "thanks" I said looking back at the sky. I could feel his eyes on me. "what are we looking at" he asked looking out to the buildings in front of us. "the stars" I replied. He looked up at the stars and admired them with me.

[some time later]

After some time of admiring the stars and talking to Jim I realized it was probably late and I should try to get some sleep.

"I should probably get back inside" I said standing up, Jim stood up after me.
"yeah me too" he said putting his hands in his pockets. "well it was nice officially meeting you" I said smiling at Jim. "yeah, it was nice meeting you too" he smiled back at me.

he has a pretty smile

"well i'll probably see you later" I said feeling a cool breeze causing me to pull on my sleeves. "you probably will, I live right above you" he replied I just nodded.

that was nice

I climbed back in through the window into my room. I closed my window and closed my curtains. I quietly walked over to my bed and laid down, pulling the blanket onto my cold body. That whole thing was kinda weird, I felt comfortable talking to him. I thought about my night with Jim as I felt a wave of sleepiness take over my body.

/ɴ: hey guys i hope you're enjoying this new story so far. I'll try to write more later today idk if i'll finish it but i'll try. - J <3

word count : 1400

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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