ZAI is a CRIMINAL and bahu doesnt approve

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"Being friends with uh, a Resident General creates a little situation here," Bahu stated, motioning towards Zai with her free hand. Her other one, and her whole broken arm, was Hoon's current pillow as she'd drunkenly passed out there.

The ghost, Zai, nodded. "I know," she said, slowly blinking. "You're legally obligated to report me, right?" She fiddled with the wanted poster strapped under her belt idly. "I mean, you don't have to. Just get away with it. I won't come with you and Hoon- to the bi-yearly Residential check later." Zai flashed a glance towards the drunken jiangshi, looking up for a second. Hoon also wasn't a big fan of the Japanese system- at least, when she was sober.

"You know how stingy the higher-ups can be in the Japan Sector! Hoon says they weren't like this in China, nowhere near it!" Bahu threw her arm in the air, looking exasperated. "Some of the Managers especially; I could get put on the Region blacklist for this because of them." Zai just waved her hand dismissively. "Ahh, who cares? It's not like-"

"Well I care, you know! I wouldn't be able to stay in the Eastern Region anymore!" The tall jiangshi interrupted. "I only know around here. I never got around much, though with being a General now I might have to travel a little."

Zai stared at Bahu, almost blankly. "Hmm. Well I mean, as I was saying, they can't really come after me, anyway. They'd have to collaborate with the Japanese spirit Sector 'cause I'm both, and you've told me many times how uncooperative the jiangshi Hierarchy can be. Both Chinese and Japanese." If there was one good thing about this Hierarchy, it was that it couldn't catch her. Bahu just shook her head in reply.

"That's not relevant, Zai! I could still get in big trouble. It's still concealing a wanted criminal, no matter the species," she stated, basically quoting the rule she'd had drilled into her head during training. "If I were to come across a criminal from a totally different species, and I knew, I'd still have to report it to my Manager." Bahu paused, suddenly grimacing. "Though, they want you to report any criminals. Even if you have no idea they're criminals, because they aren't your species."

Zai shrugged, her head lolling to the side a bit tiredly, though she realized she shouldn't have dismissed Bahu's anxieties like that. The system was pretty stupid, though, and that quickly overtook her regret. "That's besides the point, Huhu. But that sucks." She pointed a finger towards the General. "I don't know why you accepted the job offer. I get you trained for months n' stuff, but it's not a good position. They could've chosen anyone else. I didn't want you to get involved with it." Bahu just glared at Zai. That was... self-centered? Or she thought, at least.

"That was pretty selfish, Zai. You gotta let your friends do what they want, you know. Especially what they're passionate about," she lectured, shaking her head. away from the ghost. Zai somehow became even more bemused, knowing Bahu was just pulling up excuses from anywhere, even if she didn't realize it. Probably.

"Alright, I'm sorry. Well, um, I apologize. I know this means a lot to you." She nodded apologetically, and a smile laced Bahu's lips for a moment. But Zai wasn't done yet. She understood how much this meant to Bahu, but it's better if she doesn't partake in it until something gets done.
"But, Huhu, you know how flawed the system is. I told you all even before you became a part of it. It's why I'm as wanted as I am- they don't like people talking bad about their system," the ghost explained, and Bahu's smile faded. Zai knew the new General was hopeful, but it was just naivety. She probably wouldn't be able to make a change; Either that, or Zai herself was being pessimistic. But, she'd had her studies and firsthand experience.

"I... I know," Bahu replied, breathing in to try and recompose herself. She sighed, "I'm just... Very passionate about this. If I can work my way up, I'll do my best to make changes for good." She then gave Zai a determined look, but she didn't return the enthusiasm.

"You'll be surrounded by people who'll influence you. Plus, even if you did take the Captian spot somehow, you've still got the Chinese Sector to worry about, and you don't even speak good Chinese," Zai replied, a hand up matter-of-factly. "Plus, only if. Lots of Generals get fired really quickly because they don't have the same ideologies as the higher ups. They try to condition you most of the time, though."

Bahu stared for a moment, before turning her head downwards. "I keep forgetting how much inside work you've done. I'm questioning half the stuff you say at first." She looked back up at Zai. "Let's just drop it for now. We should wait until Hoon can give her own input."

"Agreed, I guess. Hitome probably wouldn't care enough about this to give her say, even though she's definitely awake," Zai nodded, smirking at Bahu. Bahu smiled back, and they carried on idling around until Hoon woke back up.

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