Chapter two

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We were running later for the train and I was with the Weasleys "10:58 come on, come on" Mr Weasley said in a hurry, "the train will be leaving any moment" molly said with a worried tone.

"Fred, George, Percy you first," Arthur said so we can get there on time, the three of them start or run to the wall and then disappeared, and then it was molly, Arthur and Ginny's turn and then mine and mine, I then got on the train and write for Ron and Harry.


The train was on its way to Hogwarts and I was sitting with Hermione wandering were harry and Ron was, "hey do you know where Ron or harry is" I asked Hermione on my way to get into my robe.

I was looking in all the compartments for Harry and Ron as I looked in one of the compartments I saw Pansy who was all over Malfoy, with an annoyed Caitlyn on the opposite side of the two. Caitlyn was sat next to Zabini, and this boy I've never seen before. His gorgeous eyes lock with mine. He smirks at me and I walk away.

I started to walk to my compartment with Hermione following behind me.


When we got to Hogwarts we went to the great hall and ate dinner after all of the first years were sorted into their houses, "have you seen Harry I couldn't find him or Ron on the train"I asked Neville "no sorry" he said trying to hide a blush.


It was the next no I was in herbology with The Slytherins "moring everyone" professor sprout says but everyone keeps talking so she taps the pot with a stick and everyone stops and listens "good morning everyone" she says again "good morning professor sprout" they all say "welcome to greenhouse three, second year's. Now gather around everyone" she says as she gets ready for the class.

"Today we are going to re-pot mandrakes. Who here can tell me the properties of the mandrake root? Yes, miss Elliot?" she says pointing at me for the last part, "mandrake or mandragora is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state" I answered "it is also quite dangerous. The mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it" I answered again.

"excellent ten points to Ravenclaw, now as our mandrakes are still seedlings their cries won't kill you yet, but they could knock you out for several hours, which is why have given each of you a pair of earmuffs for auditory protection. So could you please put them on right away" professor sprout said to the whole class.

We all put them on "quickly" professor sprout says in a hurry to get on with the class, "flaps tight down and watch me closely. You grasp your mandrake firmly, you pull it sharply up out of the pot." professor sprout instructed the class "got it?" she asked and then put it into the pot.

And she put some soil on it, and it started screams at the top of its lungs. I looked over at the opposite side of the table and saw someone from my house faint. 


After class, I found Harry, Ron and Hermione and we were in the great hall I decided to sit on the Gryffindor table, Ron was fixing his wand because he broke it trying to save him and harry from dying by the weeping willow.

"say it, I'm doomed," Ron says looking at his wand, looking very sad, "your doomed" harry agreed, not helping at all.

"hi harry," a Gryffindor boy says than takes a picture of Harry and nearly blinds him, "Colin creevey, I'm in Gryffindor too," the boy says with a grin "Hi Colin, nice to meet you," Harry says but before he can say anything he was interrupted by squawk "Ron is that your owl," the dean said pointing at the roof.

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