As soon as you were finished, you called an owl and sent it then threw the quill away.

"Ughhhh..." you groaned as you went outside your room. You made yourself a cup of tea and took some aspirin. Then the door opened to reveal Fred.

"Hello Y/N, how was your date last night?" he asked

" Umm, I think there was a restaurant... I know there was alcohol. . ." you trailed off

"Okay, did Ginny leave something for me?" he asked

"No... did we speak last night?" you asked

"No, because I spent the night at Renee's, who by the way is downstairs waiting for me... Oh, can I see my mail?" he asked

"Yeah sure go ahead." you said as you stood up and began to walk towards your bedroom door.

Fred called his owl and it swooped down 3 letters. Fred took one and began to open it.

"Hey, Y/N, I got a letter from you!" he called out.

You stopped and turned around to face him with wide eyes. "Draco's your date?" he asked

"Oh Merlin, Oh Merlin, Fred give me the letter, give me the letter, give me the letter..." you said as you jumped onto his back till he dropped the letter.

"You're over me? When were you under me?" he asked, surprised.

You jumped down from his back and went to the sofa and buried your face onto a pillow.

"Well, lately I've uh had uh feelings for you." you told him but looked down, not meeting his eye.

"You've had feelings for me?" he asked

"Yeah, what, so? You had feelings for me first." you said

"Woah. Huh. You know about my, I mean, you know I had... you know?" he asked

"George told me." you said

"George? When did he... when did he?" he asked

"On my birthday, when I opened your gift, he sort of uh slipped it out then I went to find you with Renee." you said

"Renee? Renee? Oh Renee, she's downstairs... so you're over me?" he asked

"Are you over me?" you asked

He just looked confused then left. You just sat there and buried you face into the pillow again.

You were about to leave the Three Broomsticks till the door opened again and it was Fred.

"Hi." you said

"I don't want a son." he said

"Well, thats interesting." you said

"No, no it's not interesting. OK, it's very, very not interesting. In fact it's actually 100 percent completely opposite of interesting."

"Alright, I got it Fred."

"You had no right to tell me, you ever had feelings for me."

"What?" you asked, hurt

"I was doing great with Renee before I found out about you."

𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐒 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐒Where stories live. Discover now