Blackness surrounds me and everything is spinning.
I'm in a bed, blankets thrown over me, keeping me warm. The pillow is thin, yet comfortable. I slowly open my eyes and breath out heavily.
It was just a dream. A god damn dream. I rub my temples and notice something weird. Tattoos. I had no tattoos. And for sure not on my wrists. And even though I was skinny, I never had skinny wrists like these. The tattoo was in a really fancy, black writing Guardian Angel it read.
Furrowing my eyebrows, I get up and look into the mirror. My mouth drops and then curls into a smile.
A black pixie hair cut is framing my thin and pale face. I look down my body and notice that all in all, I'm really skinny. I look like I'm about to break. As I look up into the mirror again, I notice something else too:
Wings. Black, big, beautiful and majestic wings. I can only see them in my reflection whatsoever. On the table below the mirror is a variety of make up, and next to my bed is a wardrobe filled with clothes.
So I was dead. I have no idea why I am revived again, but this body is for sure better than the old one. I look like I feel:
I put on some kind of black leather leggings and a white sweater, since it's quite chilly outside. I put some books and a notebook into my bag and make my out of my room onto the college campus.
While I do so, I look through the notebook that was on my beside table.
There are a lot of notes in it, and the first page is full with facts of me.
I decide to read it all when in sitting in my first class, so I start rushing across the campus into the first lesson I have today, psychology.
I sit down in the very back and open the notebook, as the teacher starts talking about some tragedy that happened here.
Name: Mary-Anne Parker
Age: 19
Hometown: York
You transferred here half a year back, you're quite closed up and don't talk much. The body you are in right now has always belonged to you, it was just in a kind of a daze state, because we can't give a child the work of a guardian angel. But now you're old enough. Your protégé is called Justin Wilson. He goes to the same college you do and you have psychology together.
You already know him. Keep an eye on him and show him a reason to live. Be his friend, his sister. Make him stay alive.

I furrow my brows and close the book carefully, as the teacher goes on about how sad it was to lose that girl at such a young age.
That's until I realize, he's talking about me! The whole class seems depressed and sad, some are crying. I look shocked at everybody, half of them don't even know me!
"We have a student here, who tried to help Kate, and I would like to thank you for being so full of courage, Justin" the teacher says, and my eyes scan the room. And they fall on him.
Justin Wilson. His blue eyes are tired. His blond hair is covered by a beany. He smiles sadly, as everybody claps for him.
I look at him carefully, and then he looks into my eyes. He stops for a moment and looks as if he is trying to read me. But he can't. I know that.
He shakes his head and concentrates on the lesson again, while I start scribbling in my notebook.
By the end of the lesson, I realize I have made a sketch of him. I shake my head and push everything back into my bag, waiting for Justin to walk out.
I then straighten my sweater and run after him.
"Justin?" I ask. My voice is higher than it was before. It wasn't exactly girly, but it wasn't as deep. It fit to the petite body I had now.
He turns around and looks at me.
"Yeah? Uh ... Mary-Anne right?" he asks, making me nod.
"Yeah, Mary-Anne, but just call me Mary!" I say, shaking his hand. He nods and continues walking. "I just wanted to say that Kate would have been thankful for what you did" I say quickly, smiling at him.
"But I didn't even save her" He mutters.
"I mean that you wiped away the dried blood from her face" I smile at him, making him look confused at me.
"Why should she be thankful for that?" He asks.
"What girl wants to be ugly when dying?" I ask back, and walk towards my next lesson, smiling.
I had him. I made him think about it, and I know already that he is going to talk to me again.
I smile proudly, running a hand through my hair, before stopping dead in my tracks.
I have feelings for this guy. Looking back, I see him pushing books into his locker. How could I fall in love? As Kate I've been emotionally cold, never loved somebody, and never let somebody close. But now as Mary-Anne I am capable of loving?
Continuing my walk along the campus, I examine the way I walk. It's interesting to see how I always knew that Kate wasn't me, but Mary-Anne is who I am and who I was meant to be. I feel way more comfortable and confident in this body, even though in Kate's body I was popular and loved. Now I am rather in the background and I like it.
As I walk into the entrance, there is a small table with a framed picture of me. A few candles stand by and a lot of flowers as well.
I walk up to the table and look at everything.
You will be missed is written on the picture.
I roll my eyes and am about to walk away, when somebody clears their throat next to me.
"Could you maybe show some... I don't know ... sympathy? And not roll your eyes?" The girl says, her voice thin and broken. I look up and my sister looks shocked at me.
"Don't you think she's in a better place now?" I ask. "Has she never told you that she was not feeling home in her body? Why would you be sad over her death when she is now obviously free?" I ask, my voice a bit distant.
"How do you know that?" She asks.
I shrug my shoulders and walk away. Looking around I see people smiling and laughing, talking or learning. It's quite warm for an autumn morning.
"Mary?" I hear Justin yell. I turn around and smile at him. I feel my wings slowly being pushed back by the wind, making me smile brightly.
"Yeah?" I ask, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
"What are you doing now?" he asks, smiling shyly.
"Nothing..." I smile back, walking closer.
"I have a car, let's get breakfast" he says happily, making me nod.
He takes my hand and guides me to his car, yet I feel as if I'm flying. His touch sends electricity through my body and I trust him. He gives me strength.
I look surprised at him, as he lets go of my hand.
"You okay?" He smiles, his eyes showing that he was still quite devastated.
"Yeah... I am now" I smile, getting into the car.
We drive to the nearest Starbucks and I smile.
"I hope you like coffee?" He asks and I nod, getting out of his car, following him into the store.
"What would you like to drink?" He asks, making me look at the menu.
"I will just take a Pumpkin Spice Late really" I reply, taking out the money I need.
"Put that back, I'm paying for you" He smiles, making me look confused at him.
"Never!" I laugh, trying to get faster to the shelter. However, he just picks me up and lets me down behind him, ordering the drinks and food.
"I hate you" I laugh, as we sit down in the corner of the store.
"You hate me for now" He winks, making me laugh.

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