"Don't fuck with me. My parents would never do anything like that. I'm not giving you shit."

The man, Shadow, chuckled and sighed. "Well, it's up to you but if you don't want your little brother to get hurt you better do as I say."

Saint panicked at the mention of his little brother so he lied. "I don't have a brother!"

"Oh really?" He said, mockingly. Then he took out his phone and shoved it under his nose. On the screen, there were pictures of Gulf taken from outside of his house and that was when Saint gave in and sealed the deal. He didn't want to put his brother's life at stake after everything he had done to keep him safe.

So that was how he ended up betraying Mew and giving off the money to someone else. As he sat there, watching the bag, his phone rang from inside his pocket. It was from one of Gulf's assigned bodyguard, informing him in a panick voice that their car had been hijacked that evening and Gulf might have been taken by someone and that his life is probably in danger.

"What did you just say?" Saint couldn't believe what he just heard, as his blood boiled inside him. "Idiots! How the fuck can you let that happen?" He slammed the car's steering wheel with the palm of his hand.

"We're so sorry, sir. We didn't know –"

"Enough! I'll take care of this myself!" He shouted and ended the call, tossing his phone aside. He started the engine and drove off in a flash towards Gulf's house, hoping and praying that his brother would be inside and it had all been a silly prank he had pulled to get him to come home.

When he arrived, he barged in through the front door and was greeted by total darkness. "Gulf! Gulf, are you here?" He started calling out Gulf's name as he switched on the lights inside the house, but there was no reply, only silence. He went to check inside all the rooms but to his disappointment there was no hint of Gulf at all. He then looked inside Gulf's wardrobe to see if his clothes were still there in case he had decided to run away but everything was neatly in place. He even tried calling Gulf's phone but every time he tried,  it went straight to voicemail. He screamed out his frustration and pulled at his hair.

How could this happen? He thought to himself. He had done everything he could to hide his brother from everyone he knew, keeping Gulf away from any kind of threat or danger. He had even gone as far as changing his name so that nobody knew that they are related. Ever since they had moved away, Gulf had never been in any kind of trouble, keeping his profile as low as possible. He was safe and sound and away from everyone.

It couldn't be Shadow. He had made a deal with them and he'd already given them the money. If they were to take Gulf they would've done it long ago. Then it occurred to him.

Mew. It must've been that asshole! He thought to himself. But how? How did they find out about Gulf?

As if on cue, his phone rang and Mew's name flashed across the screen. He picked up his phone and before Mew could even say a word, he spoke.

"Where the fuck is my brother?"

"You tell me where is my money or you'll never get to see your brother again."

"Don't do this, Mew. I'm begging you, please!" He begged. "You don't understand! I don't have the money with me."

"Stop fucking around, Saint. Do you think I would believe that? Give me back my money and I'll let him go. As simple as that. You know where to find me. As for the time being, I'm keeping your brother," Mew said and the phone went dead.

"Mew, No!" He shouted but it was already too late. He threw away his phone on the bed and started trashing the room, throwing things around and on the floor. He was stuck, he didn't know what to do. He had given away the money to Shadow, how was he supposed to get it back? He had never met him or knew how he looked like or even knew where he lives. All of a sudden, something came across his mind. He searched for a secret compartment in Gulf's closet at the very bottom where he had told Gulf to hide his gun in case if he needed to use it to protect himself. He opened the small compartment and found the gun still lying there just as how he had left it the first time. He took it in his hands, inspecting it. It felt heavy and weird as it had been a while since he fired one. He had promised himself not to use it again for the sake of his brother but he had no choice.

There was only one way to do it. He had to go rescue Gulf himself.


A/N : Hey guys! So how's the story going so far? Do you like it? Or do you love it? XD I'm sorry it's short and took so long to update, I've been a bit busy. What do you guys think would happen in the next chapter? Would Saint be able to rescue Gulf or would things turn out differently? Comment what you guys think!

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