Chapter 1

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I walked down the street, the familiar stones, smooth under my boots. A bush near me rustled, and I turned, on alert. A small, curly head was barely concealed by the thin branches, the dirty blonde hair peeping out in tangles.

"Come, out. I can see you," I called. The young hobbit stepped out, her little head ducked. Her facial features carried a resemblance to someone- someone I couldn't place. Big, green eyes peeped out from between her hair strands. My eye where drawn to her attire(typical of a male hobbit, not a female) and a sword that hung loosely at her side. She quickly drew her cloak over the sheath.

"I guess I should work on my hiding, huh?"

I returned my gaze to her face.

"Yes. Pray tell, where did you get that sword?"

Her face pinched slightly. She had hoped I didn't notice. I sensed fear mingle with suspicion in her mind.

"My father met an elf in the woods one day. I'm just borrowing it."

From the way she said borrow, I was sure it was stolen, most likely from her father's bedroom. "Do you know the sword?"

"Yes, it was mine."

The memory flashed before my eyes. The arrows, a whoosh, a push, and then safety. Barely.

"Your father saved my life."

To my surprise, the hobbit held out her sword.

"Here, it's yours, you should have it back."

I smiled.

"It's a gift. Keep it. Anyway, I believe I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Aranel."

As a shape brushed past me, I turned. Ah. Ethiriel had come. Just as she said she would. The hobbit smiled.

"I'm Tavariel, nice to meet you Aranel."

We shook hands, and it was almost as if the ground shook. Then, the little hobbit's fate was sealed.

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