10th Doctor x Thief!Reader

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As you ran across the rooftops, you tried to figure out what had gone wrong. 

You had found some bloke in a trench coat and a suit, so he should've had some cash or another valuable thing, right?

 Instead of finding money, you had found a strange contraption in his pocket, almost like a screwdriver. Before you could make a clean getaway, he had turned abruptly, startling you.

So, you did the only thing you could think of. You ran.

You cleared another gap in the rooftops. You could feel yourself slowing down, so you stopped before you ran out of energy. 

You turned around, revealing a blade below your wrist.

The strange man stopped in his tracks and raised his hands, showing that he was unarmed.

 "Oi, I saw you take something of mine, so why don't you just hand it over?" You shook your head violently.

 He fell silent, noticing the blade strapped to your wrist.

You slowly backed away, moving closer to the edge of the roof. You looked down, noting how high it was.

Shit, he's gonna call the cops! I'll never get a job, or have a life!

Dark thoughts flashed through your mind, sending you reeling.

While this was happening, you didn't notice the man moving towards you.

When he tried to grab you, you stepped backwards. 

Then you realized you were starting to fall. You let out a scream as you fell off the building. 


You felt a strong hand around your wrist, pulling you back up.

 " Can't have you falling with my sonic, can I? "

 "T-Thanks sir." His eyes widened when he heard your voice. 

 "You're a girl!?"

You pulled your mask off, revealing your face.

You also pulled his "sonic" out of your pocket and handed it to him.

"Sorry about stealing from you, sir."

You braced yourself, waiting for him to call the cops on you.

You were shocked when he said something entirely different.

"You're a smart girl, you've got some interesting skills, so how would you like to be my companion?"

You looked at him, a smile on your face.

" Yes! "

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