"did you really, how'd it go," Arthur said with interest when he said that he got hit on the head with a newspaper by Mrs Weasley.

"that was very wrong indeed boys," he said trying to get back on Mrs Weasleys good side.

He then turns to harry "now Harry you must know all about muggles tell me what exactly is the function of a rubber duck," he says as he goods to eat more of his food. "oh umm" harry was about to answer until he was interrupted by a squawk, "oh that must be erol with the post," Mrs Weasley said and stop cooking.

They all look out the window to are an owl flying towards them, as it gets closer you could see that it wasn't going to go through the window, and then it hit the window as expected.

"fetch it will you Percy," molly asked
Percy got up and went to the window and got the mail, "he's always doing that" Ron said as he finished his food.

As Percy walked back to the table he looked at the mail, "oh look it's out Hogwarts letters" he said giving all the letters to their owners. " oh look they have any Harrys here too" he said surprised.

"Dumbledore must know you're here harry, doesn't miss a trick that bad" Arthur points out, "this lot won't come, cheap mum, the spell books alone are very expensive one of the twins say. "oh we'll manage," molly says reassuringly.

"there's only one place we're going to get all this, dragon alley" Mrs Weasley points out, we all went to the fireplace. " here we are (y/n) you go first" molly suggested " but mum (y/n) and harry have never travelled by Floo powder before" Ron points out " Floo powder?" harry and I say in unison.

"Oh well, you can go first to show them how it's done," Molly said with a hand gesturing Ron over to the fireplace. He walks over and grabs some Floo Powder and steps into the fireplace, and yells in a clear voice 'dragon alley' and then goes up into green flames.

I look at the place where Ron was standing in amazement "alright your turn (y/n)" molly said now gesturing for me to step into the fireplace, I started to walk over to Molly and grabbed some Floo powder and got in the fireplace.

"Ok now say it nice clear so we can all understand you," Molly said with a small grin.
q, I close my eyes and when I open my eyes I'm in flourish and blotts, I stumble and when I caught my balance I saw Ron and I walked up to him "hey have you seen harry anywhere," I ask when I get to him " no," Ron said confused on where he could be.

I was walking out of flourish and blotts and saw Hermione talking to Harry so I am over and embraced both of them in one big hug.

"hi (y/n) how was your summer" Hermione ask breaking from my hug " it was great I spent my whole time are the Weasleys it was so much fun I even helped free and George with some of their pranks," I said as I started to remember the summer. " how was yours, Hermione," I asked as we started to walk back to the book shop.


We are now walking towards the exit of the book shop after Harry got his picture taken with the git Gilderoy Lockhart.

" I bet you loved that didn't you potter, famous harry potter, can't even go to a book store without making the front page," Malfoy said as he and Caitlyn Harlow (catimalfoy ) come down the stairs.

"Leave him alone," Ginny said standing a bit in front of Harry "oh look, potter, you got yourself a girlfriend," Malfoy said with that famous Malfoy smirk on his face.

"Looks like you've got one too," Harry says pointing to Caitlyn.

"Guilty," Malfoy says with a bright smile, wrapping his arm around Caitlyn's shoulder. I guess Malfoy did change over the summer, I mean he got himself a girlfriend.

" now, now Draco plays nicely," a man said to Malfoy and moves Caitlyn and Malfoy out of the way. when I saw The man getting closer to Harry I stepped in front of Harry a bit in a protective way.

"Mr Potter, Lucius Malfoy, we meet at last" the man, that I just found out is Draco's dad said and put out his hand for Harry to shake, I slowly moved out of the way so that Harry could have his hand.

When harry shakes his hand, Lucius. Pull harry close to him, "forgive me, your scar is a legend, as of course is the wizard that gave it to you, " Lucius says as he moves Harry's fringe out of the way with his walking stick so he can see the scar. "Voldemort killed my parents," Harry says while still in Lucius' grip.

"He was nothing more than a murderer," Harry said when he got out of Lucius' grip and he backed away " mmm you must be very brave to mention his name of foolish" Lucius said with a small smile.

"fear of the name only increases the fear of the thing itself," I said as I stepped in front of Harry again, "and you must be miss Elliot, yes I have heard all about you from Caitlyn, your parents are muggles aren't they," Lucius said looking at Caitlyn who was wrapped in Draco's arms and then back at me with a small smile.

"bringing up muggle-borns like they are trash how low of you," Hermione said as she stood up for me and herself, "aren't they," Malfoy laughed which earns him a wack in the stomach from Caitlyn.

Lucius then looks at Hermione "and you must be miss granger" he says as he looks from Hermione to Draco. To see if he was correct "yea Draco has told me all about you and your parents, muggles, aren't they" Lucius looking down on Hermione.

Hermione then looked behind her to see that her parents were talking to Mr Weasley, after a few minutes of looking over at her parent's Lucius stats looking around spots Ron " let's see red hair, vacant expressions, tatty secondhand book, you must be the Weasleys" Lucius finishes and then Mr Weasley come over to us "come on children is a hot crowded in here let's go outside" Arthur says putting a hand on Ginny's back.

"ah Weasley senior," Lucius said with a little bit of distaste in his tone "Lucius," Arthur said looking a little bit scared. " busy time at the ministry Arthur, all those extra raids, I do hope they're paying you over time, but judging by the state of this I'd say not, what's the use in being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?"Lucius said with a mocking tone, "we have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard Malfoy" Arthur said looking very serious, "clearly, associating with muggles" Lucius says and they look at each other in a weird way.

Lucius then put Ginny's book back in her cauldron and looks at Arthur again "and I thought your family could sink no lower" Lucius says and then nods at Arthur "I'll see you at work" he then walks off with Draco and Caitlyn following after him.

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