"Okay!  I'm fine with that, and I completely trust your word!"  I wrapped an arm around him as we walked to our favourite restaurant.

"I'll cut it tomorrow, just before we leave for camp again?"

"Definitely!"  I nodded in agreement.  "My hair was getting too long anyway, I was just uncertain about where to get it cut, because Mum would always cut it for me."

He hummed in thought.  "How about, from now on I cut your hair for you, so the costs will be cheap and you won't have to bother your mother?"  Bucky suggested.

"Really? You'd be okay with that?"

"Of course I would!"  He gently kissed the top of my head.  I leaned into him and he wrapped an arm around me.

"Wait...but you said 'costs cheaper.'  What's it going to cost?"

"A kiss for your hairdresser."  He winked.

"I think that's doable."  I giggled in reply.  Once we arrived at our destination, we found our seats and sat down to read the menu.  Even though we've come here before, they sometimes have new recipes, or a meal we haven't had for a while.  Sometimes though, we just order our regulars.  After discussing our orders between each other, paying the waiter and getting our drinks from the bar, we sat back down in comfortable silence.  This place is nice and lovely to relax in.  We just spent the night, eating and drinking in comfortable silence with a conversation here and there.

Once we made it back home, we showered and fell into a relaxed and comfortable sleep in each other's arms.  His musky smell, soft snoring and protective hug, lulled me to sleep almost instantly.

The next morning came too fast and my dream was cut short from its fateful ending with a 'CRASH'.  I sat up, only to find Bucky wasn't beside me in the bed anymore and I rushed out of the room straight away.  There, I found a stray cat staring face-to-face with my boyfriend.  The cat growled and he returned the growl.  I giggled.
"Aww!  Where'd this lil' guy come from?"  I questioned, walking closer to the two Toms.

"The damn thing broke our window."  He growled annoyed and astonished.  I turned my head to look at the kitchen window, and sure enough, it was broken through, glass inside the house and the shape was that of a cat's.

"Wait--dear God, please tell me I'm wrong..."  I backed away from the Tomcat with fear.  His black fur and navy eyes glistened intelligently...or as intelligent as this asshole could ever be.

"What?  What is it, Lo?"

"Awh!"  The cat shapeshifted into a shifty male with short, curly black hair and deep, navy blue eyes.

"Dammit."  I sighed.

"So this is your home, sister?"

"Hello, Dimitri."  I greeted through gritted teeth, watching my brother carefully whilst pulling my boyfriend to my side protectively and wrapping an arm around him.

"Wait you two know each other?"  Bucky asked confused, catching on quickly.

"We disowned him."

"RUDE!"  Dimitri cried fakely.  He clasped his hands to his heart with fake hurt.  "My own sister!"  He dramatically spun.  "Cast me aside like a waste of space!"

"If you're not a waste of space, then what are you good for?"  Bucky couldn't help but joke.

"OI!"  Dimitri cried once again.

"DAMN DIMITRI!  BUCKY JUST ROASTED YOU!  What're you gonna do about it?"  I grinned evilly.

"Uhh...pray I'll make it through this without a scratch?"

~Seven Uniting Souls~  Avengers x Soulmate! OC  {HIATUS}Where stories live. Discover now