Chapter 1 - Demon Slayers

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"So we're not training today?" I asked and Setsuko shook his head. "Nope....we got a mission and we have to leave in half an hour. So lets just relax till then." He said and I fell onto my back on the grass. "I see. So want kind of demon is it this time?" I asked while looking at the clouds and Setsuko sighed. "I heard its a half bear demon. Apparently it had a shard of the sacred jewel in its forehead and it keeps terrorizing the village. You know, destroy their houses and crops, eating people...that kind."

"I see. Well, why don't we head out right now? We don't have anything to do." I suggested and Kazuki nodded. "I suppose we could. Lets go get our weapons." We all got up and headed back to our house....well, I mean the elders house. Since the elders took care of us like their own children, we considered it as our house as well.

We went to the training room and took all of our weapons. Our air filter masks, katanas, smoke bombs, daggers, needles, and a scythe. I specialized in using katanas and a scythe attached to a chain since it gave me the ability to fight both short and long distance battles. I strapped them to my belt and my back and we all walked to the outskirts of the village.

"Be safe all of you. Watch each other's backs." The village elder said and we all bowed. "Of course elder san. We will make you proud." I smiled and he chuckled and patted my head. We all gave another bow and began to walk towards the neighbouring village. And of course, since Kazuki was a chatterbox, he began to talk about random things while making dramatic sounds and expressions and movements with his hands.

The walk to the neighbouring village took about 2-3 hours and when we reached there all the villagers came running to us. "The demon slayers have finally come!" They sounded really relieved and we smiled. "Don't worry, we'll take care of the demon that's been troubling you." "Yeah! Lets kick some demon butt!" Kazuki yelled in excitement and I rolled my eyes at my two 'brothers'. They were very different from each other, as anyone could see. Kazuki was loud and energetic and Setsuko was calm, composed and silent. I was kind of in between them. I could be hyper when I wanted to and calm when I understood the situation.

Well, its not that Kazuki wasn't calm, but he easily got angered or excited and I always had to be the one to calm him down.


Well, that's our cue! We turned our heads up and saw a demon bear coming right at us. The villagers screamed in fear and ran in all directions away from the demon and the three of us got into fighting stances. I pulled out my chained scythe getting ready to kick some demon butt.....just as Kazuki said. I narrowed my eyes and threw my scythe.

The chain wrapped around the demons legs and it struggled until I pulled and brought it crashing to the ground. It was strong and it managed to loosen the chains. It bit the chain with its mouth and pulled hard and I was pulled towards it as well. I growled and pulled out my katana and just as I got close, I stabbed it in its shoulder. Its screamed in agony and shook its head vigorously from side to side.

It growled and lifted its paw to hit me and I gasped as it made contact with my stomach. I was thrown backwards and I coughed as I tried to regain the breath that was knocked out of me. I sat up slowly and winced as my stomach hurt but I glared at the demon that was now fuming and watching us with red angry eyes. Stupid demon! If it thinks that some lame punch like that was going to stop me, it was dead wrong!

“Ritsu! Are you ok?” Kazuki kneeled next to me, worry lacing his voice. “I’m fine. I’m gonna show that demon what exactly I’m capable of.” I sneered and Kazuki nodded. I took a deep breath and he helped me stand up and I narrowed my eyes at the demon as I shot out to attack again.

Naraku pov:

So this was the famous demon slaying group of humans. I had to give them credit. They were rather good…..especially the girl who fluidly avoided attacks and didn’t back down even though she was hit in the stomach.

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