J: what's cooking good looking?

L: nothing really. You?

J: excited for hoco and the game!

L: that's cool.

J: ??? You good bestie?


The word sounded so bitter in my head now.

L: peachy

J: aww c'mon! JJ told me about you going solo to the dance. Is that what's got you down?

L: yeah I am but I'm not down about it. I'm fine

J: good. You shouldn't be. Going solo can be fun too since there's a lot of us going :)

L: yeah. Can't wait

After Jordan passed back his response I changed the topic to something I could at least pretend to be excited about. How could he act so casual? Like nothing was wrong or going on? I guess I really just played myself with Jordan Baker.

School came and went, followed by volleyball practice, and then got roped into a group trip to the cafe we frequented by JJ. I sat with Jordan, Asher and JJ as we ate and talked about school and mainly homecoming. Spencer had just finished delivering a homecoming proposal pizza to the table near ours then walked up to our table and was added to the conversation. I had kept myself out of the conversation, only attempting to listen halfheartedly.

"Oh too many options? Don't wanna break any hearts?" Jordan asked and gave a wink after Spencer confessed to going solo.

I glanced up from my plate to glare at Jordan for a second before turning to look at Spencer, who clearly had seen me due to the strange look on his face, and his hesitation before continuing the conversation.

"Nah it's just not that deep is all." Spencer defended before walking off to keep working.

"You know I can support going solo." Asher commented and ate a fry as he looked at me with a slight smirk before turning to Jordan, "Beats going with a rival."

Jordan rolled his eyes, "Oh come on guys. Ripley's just a girl. Who cares where she goes to school?"

'Ripley.' Even thinking the name made me want to throw up in my mouth.

Asher and JJ shared a look before they laughed, "Traitor." Asher spoke a bit childishly and laughed with JJ.

I finished off my drink and wiped my hands, "This has been fun and all but I'm gonna get going."

I started to pick up my bag, "Need me to take you home?" Jordan wiped his mouth as he spoke.

I shook my head and with a slightly forced, but sweet smile I spoke, "Nah I'm good. Think I'll just take a solo walk to the bus."

I heard Asher snort, attempting to not choke on the drink he was taking, as Jordan looked at me confused and I hurried out of the cafe, past Liv and Layla who were sitting outside.

"Lexi?" I heard the girls speak softly in unison, but I just kept going.

Could this day get any worse or embarrassing for me?

"Lexi wait up!"

Oooof course it can.

Jordan appeared by my side as I came to a reluctant stop on the sidewalk outside the cafe, "Hey, are you sure you're alright? You've been acting strange all day."

It Started With A Bet *Jordan Baker love story*Where stories live. Discover now