Chapter 17

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(Warning: This chapter also contains mentions of substance use. This may/may not be recurring but if there's any major major uses I'll throw this warning back up. Anything else should be minor)

S1 E7

I hopped off the bus, my usual iced caramel macchiato in my hand and my headphones on my ears as I walked the last few blocks to Beverly High. Jordan still hadn't messaged me since the morning of the block party and I was getting a bit worried. Now it was homecoming week, and maybe he was just busy. Maybe he was practicing, or making plans with JJ for an after party.

Maybe he's planning to ask you to homecoming.

The thought crossed my mind and I laughed softly to myself. I shouldn't even expect that. I don't even know what we are, so homecoming had been the furthest thing from my mind. As I crossed the parking lot, checking the time on my phone I stopped just as after I passed a Jeep parked along the sidewalk. A chunk of my brain, the rational side, said to walk away and don't turn around. The irrational side says turn around. Look. And so I look. Inside was Jordan and some brunette I'd never seen... making out. I nearly choked on my drink and hurried along as if I hadn't seen anything. In all honesty I wish I hadn't. I gripped the strap to my backpack tightly as I made my way to my locker, keeping my head down and avoiding talking to people as I made it. I sighed heavily in defeat as I opened it, doing my usual switch of binders and books for the morning.

"Morning Lexi."

The sudden voice startled me for a moment before I turned and shut my locker, "Morning Spencer."

He smiled though it seemed a bit forced, "You doing alright? I saw you up at the block party, but didn't get a chance to talk to you. Wanted to make sure you were doing alright."

I tried not to remember the sound of gunshots echoing in my head as I forced a smile, "Oh yeah I'm fine. That's Crenshaw y'know..."

Spencer bit his lip as he looked down at me, shifting his gaze around before settling back on me with a serious expression, "I also saw you leaving Shawn's place that day."

I swallowed softly and started walking down the hall, motioning Spencer to follow, "I was just making sure he was a-alright. He helped me carry the food so I knew h-he was there."

Spencer clicked his tongue, "Cut the crap Lexi." He lowered his voice to a whisper, "I know why you went there and what you got from him. You know you can't have that stuff. We're athletes. That could get you in a whole lotta-"

I cut him off, "I know! Jeez Spencer get off my case. It was one time."

"One time is all it takes!" He huffed in frustration as we came to a stop outside my first class.

"Look. Spence. I'm dealing with it. Ok? Just don't hound me right now. It's not a good time. Try later or something." I mumbled the last bit of my sentence as I walked into class, sighing as I took my usual seat.

Third period rolled around and Jordan didn't come and claim his spot across my shoulder, so I walked to class solo, until someone else joined me.

"Little Lexi seems a bit lonely today. Where's your bestie?" Asher was now beside me, a smug look on his face, "Wait I think he's busy sucking face with a rival cheerleader."

I sighed and tried to keep my cool, "Walk away Asher. I'm not here for your drama today."

Asher took it upon himself to accompany me to class none the less, "It's alright. Going solo to homecoming isn't the worst thing."

With that he left me to myself, peeling of to a different class. I shuffled into third period, claiming my seat and staring at the empty seat in front of me. Just as the bell rang, Jordan sauntered into class, a gleeful look on his face as he claimed his seat. The class started and Jordan dropped the first note.

It Started With A Bet *Jordan Baker love story*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن