v. Snape in a Dress

Start from the beginning

And then he was beginning to wonder why over the past week he'd been so determined to dislike the girl. Maybe it was because she'd replaced his best friend's seat - but, he had to remind himself, it wasn't her fault. It was Snape's. Ron was starting to wonder whether he should rethink his ideas - but not right now. He'll stay away from her, right now, because in all honesty, he's a bit confused.

And then, as if on queue, Maddie and her two friends had turned up right behind him, Harry and Hermione, ready for their first lesson with Lupin.

"-yeah, well, if he's anything like the last teacher we had, I won't hesitate to blow up his cabinet," said Maddie. She still had an incredible hatred for Lockhart, purely because of personal reasons and his lack of control for some particularly tiny blue creatures.

"Third time lucky, hopefully," said Jake, referring to their new teacher, as the the trio proceeded to enter the classroom.

And, it turned out, Professor Lupin wasn't even there. Everyone decided to sit down and take out their books, parchment and quills, chattering loudly before he finally walked in.

"Good afternoon," he said. "Would you please put all of your books back in your bags - today's a practical lesson. You will only need your wands,"

"Nice!" Maddie grinned. The class exchanged curious looks.

"Ooh," said Jess. "We've never done a practical before!"

"Not unless you count Lockhart and his lovely pixies," said Jake.

"Don't remind me," said Maddie.

Long story short, last year their Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher turned out to be useless - and set a cage full of pixies loose. She'd ended up with one tangled between her brown curls, yanking her head all over the place. She had to slap it into the wall to get it to stop - which she felt awful for, afterwards, but what else could she do? Another one had taken away her wand, she was in a right mess.

"Right then," said Lupin. "If you'd follow me,"

Everyone, though puzzled, followed their teacher with sparks of interest, as he lead them out of the classroom and down the hallway - the first thing they saw was Peeves the Poltergeist.

"Please tell me we're practicing spells on Peeves," Jess grinned. "That'll actually make my year,"

"Loony, loopy, Lupin," the Poltergeist sang. "Loony, loopy, Lupin, loony loopy Lupin-"

Everyone looked quickly towards Professor Lupin, to see how he would react. As rude as he was, Peeves always showed even the slightest amount of respect for the teachers. But Lupin was still smiling.

"He's almost as annoying as you, Mads," said Jake, nodding at the Poltergeist before glancing the brunette's way with a teasing glance.

"Ha, ha,"

"I'd take that gum out of the keyhole, if I were you, Peeves," said Lupin. "Mr Filch won't be able to get to his brooms,"

"Awe, what a shame," Maddie muttered to Jess, and the two sniggered.

But Peeves ignored Lupin, so he sighed, and brought out his wand.

"This is a useful little spell," he told the class. "Please watch closely,"

With a force of a bullet, the wad of the chewing gum shot out of the keyhole and straight down Peeves' left nostril. Maddie let out a laugh as the Poltergeist zoomed away, cursing.

CANDY! ✯ RON WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now