If I Could Tell Him

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All of the racers were sitting down. They just had a race, and Taffyta had won yet again. And she was rubbing it in.

"I won again! You guys could, but maybe if you got better carts. And better attitudes. You need to definitely work on yours, Mr. Gumpypants." She smirked, eyeing Swizzle.

"Excuse me?!" The aforementioned child yelled. He stormed over to the leader. Gloyd had not been paying attention, and he glanced over to his friend. He panicked and ran over.

"I-I think that's enough. Sorry Tafftya." He nervously chuckled. "C'mon Swizz, let's go," he said, grabbing the greenettes hand.

"Oh I'm not done with this h-"

"Let's go."

Swizzle looked over at his friend in shock. The boy was nervous about five seconds ago. Now he's... kinda pissed.

The taller of the two was silent as they walked. He glanced at his friend. 'Yeah, he's definitely pissed.' Swizzle thought.

"Uh, Gloyd? I-I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad."

Gloyd sighed and let go of his hand. "It's alright. I guess your attitude is kind contagious." They both started laughing.

Swizzle looked over at Gloyd, still laughing. His eyes were closed, and he had his hand nearly over his mouth. It took Swizz about 2 seconds to realize.

"Hey, uh, Gloyd? I was wondering if you can come over later. I have something to show you."

The brunette smiled through giggles. "Alright. I'll probably be over around 7, maybe. I have to take a nap first. The race kinda wore me out."

Swizzle softly smiled, and chuckled. "Alright, see you there. 'Night, pumpkin." He waved, and made his way to his house.

'Pumpkin, really?' He thought to himself once he got inside. "Oh well, I guess that comes with the flirty side of me." He chuckled, and flopped on the bed. "Alright, I have to prepare. The Swizz is not ever unprepared."

»»———Time Skip———««

As 7pm arrived, Gloyd had grabbed his phone and texted Swizzle.

G->Hey, I'll be there soon! It'll take me a sec.

As he looked in the mirror, he pondered. "Why am I worrying so much? All he asked was to come over. It's not a date."

He jumped when he felt his phone vibrate.

S-> It's alright, take your time. I have a surprise, so don't take too long.

Gloyd smiled and put his phone away. He sighed. 'Alright, let's go!'

He stepped outside and made his way to his friends house. As he found himself in front of Swizzle's door, he nervously opened it. "Hey Swizzle." He said, trying to keep his voice calm and steady.

"Hey." Swizzle replied, smiling. He pointed to the chair next to his bed. Gloyd looked at it in confusion, but obeyed. He sat down, and nervously looked at the greenette.

"Am I in trouble?" He joked, chuckling.

"Nope, so don't worry. It's a good surprise."

The brunette could hear the nervousness in his voice, but decided not to comment on it.

Swizzle pulled a ukulele out from behind him. He took a deep breath, and started.

"There's nothing like your smile
Sort of subtle and perfect and real."

He sung, glancing at Gloyd.

"You never knew how wonderful
That smile could make someone feel."

He blushed, thinking about the last time he saw the brunette smile. It filled him with butterflies.

"Whenever you get bored
You scribble stars on the cuffs of your jeans

And you still fill out the quizzes
That they put in those teen magazines."

Timeskip brought to you by my dumb self not knowing how to write this song from a boy's pov

"If I could tell him
Tell him everything I see
If I could tell him
How he's everything to me."

He once again looked at Gloyd. He had nothing but astonishment and fascination in his eyes.

"But we're a million worlds apart."

He sung sadly, thinking about how the brunette might not even be listening.

"And I don't know how I would even start
If I could tell him.

If I could tell him
But what do you do when there's this great divide?"

He thought of Gloyd and Rancis. They seemed so close. He had no chance.

"He just seemed so far away."

Then why was he continuing...?

"And what do you do when the distance is too wide?

It's like I don't know anything

And how do you say."

He took a breath in.

"I love you."

He prayed to god Gloyd would catch on.

"I love you
I love you."

He sung, increasing in volume.

"I love you..." He sung quietly.

He almost started crying.

"But we're a million worlds apart
And I don't know how I would even start
If I could tell him.
If I could..."

He stopped playing, and waited for the rejection. The "I don't feel the same way." The "I'm not gay." The anything.

"You really... feel that way...?" He heard. Swizzle opened his eyes, and stared at his friend.

"Y-Yeah... it's okay if you don't feel the same."

"N-No, no! I-I... I do... I like you too, Swizz. I just thought you weren't into me because you've been hanging around Vanellope a lot lately."

"Her???" Swizzle laughed. "You thought I was into her? Oh, no. She totally has a crush on Taffyta. Have you seen the way they look at each other? Oh my god."

They both went into a laughing fit. Swizzle chuckled, and looked at Gloyd with the most love filled eyes he has ever looked at someone with.

"So, will you be my... boyfriend...?"

"Dude. Hell yes!"

(A/N: 925 words. Oh my god that took so long. I hope you enjoy! Please submit some requests, I'll run out of ideas eventually! I read a fanfic similar to this, but with different characters and a different fandom. I forgot which one it was, so if you find it, please tell me!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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