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~Flashback Memory, May 25th~

My name's Katie. I'm 17 years old and just a typical girl you'd see running in the hallways everyday at school, getting to class early, and to get the energy out of my system so I'm not restless or possibly annoying the teacher during class by tapping my finger constantly on the desk while trying to listen and pay attention.

I'm an art major and plan to be a manga artist in the future while having a happy family with the future husband of my dreams that I will soon meet one day and marry.

Am I quirky?

Yes. But, sometimes as well.

Am I an interesting person?

I guess I could say that. It's really up to you anyways to decide before telling me.

What do others think of me at school, including the boys?

Nothing, really. I can't read their minds. I'm not a super popular girl with mind-reading powers, who has a perfect life, and who's friends with everyone in the whole school while being adored by many teachers with my charm and lack of beauty.


I'm just an average, normal teenage student.

But, I'll tell you one thing I hate about my school.


Yup. That's right.

I hate the boys at my school.

They're too immature, rowdy, careless, and are the kind of people who would just rather walk around the entire school with their belts unbuckled, pants hanging off of their butts to the point where you could almost see what color of their underwear is, and bean-headed enough to pick a fight with another.

That would also include playing their music really loudly in the hallways with their bluetooth speakers on while class is in session, being very disrespectful, and treating the girls at my school like they're toys.

And if they got a girl pregnant, most of them would ditch her and find another woman to "have fun" with, rather than staying in a relationship and getting married.

Because of my mom's wise words of wisdom, I agreed with her point of view and seriously don't have any interest into those kind of boys at all.

Every once in a while, they would notice me and have a look of amusement or interest on their faces but I would just give them a death stare and then look away before continuing on my way to class.

Just like a tsundere would've done.

Every student in the whole school probably knows about my past, due to the gossip and nasty rumors that might've been spreaded about me, since there are others I've known from grade school or middle school who was there and attends to the same public high school that I attend at as well.

Sometimes, when I pass by or get near another student, they would back away as if they're afraid of me.

That's fine by me though.

I wanted them to fear me and see me as some sort of the monster that I am and wanted them to see crystal clearly. Just not my close friend, Laney Evitt, or the teachers.

I figured that if I made the other students fear me, they wouldn't even dare to try bullying me like they did in my grade school and middle school year.

I may look cute and be short, like a chihuahua however, but I'm pretty fierce and mighty.

-Hours Later-

After the school day was over, I went home, despite the fact a surprise gift from my mom was waiting for me.

"I'm home!" I say as I entered in the house before shutting the front door behind me, hanging my jacket up, and taking my socks and shoes off.

"Hey, Katie. How was your day at school?" Mom says as she walked over to greet me.

I sighed as I got up before walking over to the living room and flopping back on the couch in a lazy manner.

"Nothing really interesting happened at school.." I answered simply before sighing. "Just the same old things as always."

"I see." Mom went as she followed and sat down next to me while I picked up the remote control and started flipping through the channels lazily, out of boredom, seeing if any one of my favorite anime was on.

"So, what's this little "surprise" that you got me?" I asked as I looked over at her.

That's when mom smiled mischievously, giving me the message that she's got something up her sleeve. In a good way though.

"Well~, I was at the store hours ago, while you were at school, and I was thinking about you...So...I decided to get you something that you like and was interested in." Mom says before pulling out a gift and handed it to me.

"Aw! Thanks, mom..." I said before giving her a hug as I took the gift.

I love it when mom thinks about me and gets me a small gift while I'm at school. Food, book, clothes, DVD, or even video game related.

It doesn't really matter what she gets when she thinks about me.

As long as she got me something interesting or what it is I like, I don't mind at all.

"C'mon, open it!" She says, as I felt the gift around for a moment, trying to guess and see what it is before opening it.

My face and ears turned red as I began to blush a little in embarrassment, almost wanting to faint for a second, when I opened the gift and saw what it was.

When it comes to gifts and it's certain things I like, plush doll or what not, I get a little embarrassed pretty easily for several minutes before I recollect myself and get over it.

"A Sonic Forces game?!" I went. "Oh my god, Mom! I've been wanting this ever since back in the summer last year!"

Mom smiled before ruffling my hair playfully, while I buried my face in my hand out of embarrassment, as she chuckled over at my reaction.

"I'm glad you like it, munchkin." She says.

"Why wouldn't I? You know well I like Sonic!" I replied as I looked at her.

"It's just a figure of speech."

"Well, anyways, like I said before...Thank you, mom."

"You're welcome."

After I had gotten the Sonic Forces game, that's when my life was changed forever, leading to when that day happened...

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