===>Wish your boyfriend a merry christmas. Part 1

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"Merry Christmas Egderp." You say as the cute geek opened up the front door. It was obvious that he had just woken up from his ruffled black hair, and his glasses tipped over more than they should be. It was absolutely adorable you thought. "Why so early..?" He asked. You smiled. "Well john, If its so early then i guess you're too tired to open your present." You knew this would make him curious. His face tinted a slight pink as his eyes widened with curiosity. "No I wanna!" You chuckled slightly. "Alright Johnny. But that can wait until later because your fathers still home." John blinked a couple times in response. "Uh. Okay..? And speaking of my dad, he's in the kitchen right now making Christmas cookies if you want any."
"Of course I want those fucking cookies. I mean, they're great." You walked in slightly, and got a good whiff of the sweet scent of cookies john was talking about. You know you weren't really interested in sweets, but johns dads cookies are pretty okay. You wondered what johns cooking tasted like. "Dave?" John snapped his fingers in front of your face abruptly, making you jump. "oh uh yeah dude?" You blinked once you noticed you were on the couch, the blue present set on the coffee table in front of you. You missed something, but since you were so god damn busy thinking, you forgot everything that was happening.
"Sorry, you seem a little out of it today? Are you alright?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm just looking forward to seeing you open your present." He gave you yet another hella cute grin. "Alright Son, I'm heading out. The cookies are on the table, hope you and your friend enjoy them." The door slammed closed which left the room silent. "I bet he's gonna bring more cookies home." John said a bit giggly.

Johns poV:
you stood there giggling a little in front of Dave, but now it was only you and him alone in your house. For about 3 or 4 hours. "John?" Dave's voice cracked a bit, but he played it off cool. He pulled your arm, making you sit down next to him before he set down the blue present on your lap, and by then your hands were shaking a little. Get ahold of yourself john! "May I?" you looked directly at Dave, and he gave you a slight nod. You took off the ribbon and then the paper, your face not being able to do anything but smile. You opened the box and gasped. When you took out your gift, it unraveled into a black hoodie with the green slime ghost imprinted onto the front. "Wow Dave! Thanks so much!" You saw him smile a little, and you jumped on him giving him a large hug. "But I feel so bad.. I couldn't get you anything.." Dave wrapped his arms around you, hugging you back instantly. "I-I know something that doesn't cost any money." His voice chocked. You could tell he was hesitating on saying something. You pulled back still smiling, and looked him through his shades. "Then what would you like?"

Dave's poV:
Your heart skipped a beat at this question. You wanted to tell him, but your face kept heating up. As cool as you may act, this is the one thing that always ruined it. Your lips were glued, but you knew that if you didn't say anything, then he would never know at all. You decided to yolo this. You bit your bottom lip and managed to make it come out smoothly. "You."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2015 ⏰

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