He walks with Michael and I through the parking lot after school. Michael goes on and on about something he saw or read, swinging our entangled hands as we walk.

"Makenna," Ashton says quietly beside me. He nods in Sam's direction, and I let go of Michael's hand.

"Hey!" I call out, following Sam in the parking lot.

"Makenna! Don't say anything," Michael warns me, realizing what I'm doing.

I ignore him and continue making my way to Sam. Ashton follows beside me, taking longer strides than me which gets him closer to Sam. I almost jog just to keep up.

"What do you two want?" Sam asks coolly as meet him at his car. He doesn't look scared, though he really should be.

"You cheated on Grace," Ashton says.


"Do you know how fucking wrong you were?"

"It's whatever. What are you gonna do about it? Teach me a lesson?" he asks sarcastically.

"You're asking for it," I tell him, basically hinting that Ashton or me or both of us can and will beat the shit out of him.

Sam laughs. "You need a girl to back you up, Irwin? That's sad."

"I can fight for myself, dickface," I snap. He raises an eyebrow, convinced maybe I can stand my own ground.

"Listen, what happened with Grace is my business," he says. "Not yours."

"Yeah, keep talking," Ashton growls, his jaw clenched tightly.

Sam looks him in the eyes, taunting him. "She didn't matter. Grace slept around with you anyway."

"Are you calling her the cheater?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah she whored around. I mean, that is what she's best at, right? Being a bitch?"

I take a swing at him, hitting his jaw. After that I hit blindly, hoping I catch him somewhere. Ashton pulls me away and pushes me to the side. Sam turns as if he's going to hit me, but Ashton stands between us.

"You touch her, you deal with me," he says sternly.

Sam stares at me with dark eyes as he holds his jaw. Blood drips from his mouth, and he spits on the ground. I hold my stare, breathing heavily and trying to steady my trembling hands.

He decides to get in his car and leave after calling me a few choice words. I shoot plenty back his way, and he drives away, flipping me off as he goes.

"I swear to fucking everything I'm going to kick his ass," I mumble, pacing anxiously across the parking lot.

Michael runs over and grabs my shoulders. "What the hell were you thinking?" he asks. "He could've hit you."

"I wasn't going to let him, Mike. She's fine," Ashton assures him. His voice is angry but sincere. He's also pacing.

"Don't touch me right now," I tell Michael, moving away from him.

"You're insane," he says.

"I'm not letting him cheat on my best friend, call her a whore and a bitch, and let him accuse her of sleeping around without getting something in return." I turn to Ashton who looks more and more frantic by the second. "He was wrong, wasn't he?"

"About what?" Ashton asks.

"She didn't sleep with you while dating him, right?"

"Right. I'd wait for her."

"That's reassuring," Michael says.

"Shut up. I really care about her, okay?" Ashton snaps.

"No I really mean it. It's reassuring for all of us, especially her."

Ashton sighs, and the urgency seems to slowly disperse. "I'm sorry," he says quietly. "I'm literally ready to just explode."

"Same," I agree. "I want to hit something or yell at someone. Anything."

"Let me just take you home," Michael says. I inhale deeply and nod. We get in his car and leave. The drive is quiet.

"You are okay, right?" he asks, quickly glancing over at me.

I have my arms folded across my chest as I stare angrily out the window. I can't decide if I want to talk to Michael right now or not.

"I'm fine," I mumble.

"You could've gotten hurt."

"Ashton was there."

"I know, but that's not the point."

"Don't lecture me, Michael," I snap. "I can take care of myself."

"I just want you to be safe," he says calmly.

"Okay, but I can take care of myself! I'm not a little kid, and you don't have to protect me from everything! I'm not some helpless, little whiny bitch, Michael."

"I never said you were!" he raises his voice.

"Okay fine!"

He pulls into my driveway, and we both just sit there. Neither of us apologize, but we sit in silence. I reach for the door handle when he scoffs.

"God, you assume everything is about you," he continues.

"What?! If anyone here is conceited, it's you."

"How am I conceited?"

"You think about yourself way more than you think of me. That's for damn sure."

"No it's not!" he yells. "I put you first!"

"Only when I remind you that I exist in this relationship too."


I open the door and step out despite his protests. I look back and see his hurt expression.

"When you think you can include me in this relationship, let me know," I tell him.

I walk inside and let him drive away. I realize I fucked up, but I can't take it back now. I wonder how long it'll take for him to come around.

End Up Here (Michael Clifford a.u.)Where stories live. Discover now