Chapter Three

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Chapter Three
A Friendly Faun, Mr. Tumnus

Word Count: 1.2k

The snowball fight came to an abrupt end when a snowball found it's way from Susan's hand to Edmund's arm.

"Ow!" He complained. "Stop it."

They all stopped and looked at the youngest boy, different emotions of each person's face.

There was a long silence before Peter opened his mouth. "You little liar."

Edmund, once again, got very defensive. "You didn't believe her either." He used as a reason.

"Apologize to  Lucy." Peter basically demanded, glancing over at the girl. "Say you're sorry." He spoke louder and stepped closer to his brother when he remained silent.

"Alright! I'm sorry." Edmund took a quick look at Lucy as he 'apologized.'

With a smug look, she responded, "It's alright. Some little kids just don't know when to stop pretending." 

That received a little giggle from Melody, who quickly covered her mouth when eyes turned to her.

"Very funny," mumbled Edmund, almost rolling his eyes.

"Maybe we should go back," Susan suggested, looking around at the four of them.

"But we just got here." Melody finally spoke, looking at Susan. "Couldn't we at least look around a little, tiny bit?" This place felt special to her, and she wasn't ready to leave it just yet. Not until she figured out why.

"I think Lucy should decide." Peter was obviously a really caring older brother. Something Melody found quite sweet.

The girl in question lights up, just as she did when Melody told her she believed in Narnia minutes before they arrived. "I'd like you all to meet Mr. Tumnus!"

With a chuckle, Peter said, "Well then, Mr. Tumnus it is." He went over into the pine trees, finding that the contents of the wardrobe were still hanging before him.

Susan rubbed her arm. "But we can't go hiking in the snow; dressed like this."

Peter emerged from the pine trees, carrying five fur coats. "No, but I'm sure the Professor won't mind us borrowing these." He handed each of them a coat, each thanking him, expect Edmund of course who grumbled about the coat being 'a girl's coat.'

Melody had almost forgotten about her book, which she surprisingly still carried with her. She tucked it into a big pocket that was on the inside of her coat.

They traveled through the woods, marveling at everything they walked by. Lucy guided them as if she knew the place like the back of her hand.

Melody felt herself pausing every now and then to take everything in, before quickly catching up to the group. Her feet started to feel a little funny, but she just figured it was due to the very cold snow.

She kicked some snow as she walked beside Susan and Peter, in the middle of them. Edmund was slightly in front of them. "How many times have you been here?" She asked, tilting her head slightly off to the side. 

Lucy glanced back at her. "This is the third time." She had a fond smile on her face, thinking about the other times she's come here. "Oh, and by the way, where are you from?" The girl asked as she looked back at where she was going. "I noticed you had an accent when you got here but Susan didn't want me to ask." The question came out of nowhere, but that's how kids are.

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