Chapter 1

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Hey there. So the main character is basically Rihanna but imagine her with silver hair. I will try to find some pictures of her with silver hair but for now just use your imagination. *wink wink*
Here's the first chapter. Enjoy.

Calista's the name. Calista Williams actually. I come from a small but interesting family. Both my parents are alive and well, thank the skies, so are my two brothers. Mikael and Hiram. We have some really odd names but we do look a little odd so the names fit.

Something must have gone amiss when the factory worker in-charge of collecting our genes was putting our DNA together. We all have curly silver hair. Extremely weird because both our parents have dark hair. My mother has black hair that is dark as night and my father is a very dull shade of blonde. I think the right word would be "bronde" as Khloe Kardashian calls it. The combination of brown and blonde.

On top of having silver hair, we have hazel eyes that are more green than brown due to my father's green eyes and we're mixed race. I'd imagine that to be an unfortunate outcome but slap on a couple of dimples and you have very beautiful looking kids. Incase you were wondering, yes, i am conceited. I guess it would make more sense if at least one of us came out looking normal because Hiram and Mikael are twins so it makes sense that they'd look exactly the same but not all of us. To say it was a shock to the doctors when i came out looking exactly like my brothers would be an understatement. They couldn't believe it.

Imagine the weird looks my mother got when she would take us to the pediatrician for our annual checkup. Or how some kids tried to bully me freshman year of high school but gave up because i just wasn't having it. I was too conceited to be bullied. Very aware of my natural beauty. Nobody was going to change my mind about that.

Anyway the gene came from my mother's side of the gene pool. She told us that her grandmother had a streak of silver hair across her otherwise black hair.
She also mentioned that her grandmother's grandmother had had a full head of silver hair instead of the usual black hair that people of African decent  have. It is fun to be different now but back then my great great great great grandmother had eventually been killed for it because her fellow villagers thought she was cursed. A little too -Salem witch trials- for me but i guess that's how the world is. Anything that is different is bad and should be exterminated immediately. *rolls eyes*

So anyway, my brothers are four years older than me so i don't really have a lot in common with them but we are really close and they play the over protective elder brother role to the tee. Its safe to say they would not approve of the kind of lifestyle i'm currently about  so its a good thing they have no idea. Yet. They believe i don't date. Ever! Which is kind of true because i really wouldn't call what i do dating either but i'm a taurus and apparently my zodiac sign has everything to do with my blatant disregard for society norms and what not.

By society standards i am what we so eloquently named a slut-bag. There's just something about that word that makes me cackle like a witch on a broom stick. As in, a random group of misogynists (it was obviously them) gathered and had a meeting in which they decided that women should be restricted to only one partner and should they derail from that path they were to be shamed/shunned by their communities but men are allowed to sleep with whomever they wanted to and were to be praised for it. Only a man can truly be that selfish. Its a pity nobody gives a shit anymore. Who are you dictate the amount of dick a lady gets to have? What a load f crap! I'm here for a good time not a long time.
Full disclosure, i'm a strong believer in the saying "You only live once." HAIL YOLO!
Without wanting to sound like that robot whore Sera, you know who Sera is come on. The one on twitter. Oh don't tell me you have not seen that sex robot that people are taking on dates. Whatever, but like my girl Sera once said, "Bitch! What the fuck?"
Okay i apologize for my personality. Cough cough *split personality disorder* cough cough

Disclaimer: I am in no way poking fun at people who suffer from this disorder or making light of the situation so do not get offended.

How about i tell you about Donovan? Let me do that. So, Donovan. He was cute. You know, the mysterious guy who makes a decent enough amount of money to rent in those buildings that only have 2 apartment units on every floor, kind of cute. The, i'll take you and your girls out and have bottle service all night, kind of cute. The,- okay you get it. We met at a new year's eve party in Vera. My friends and i got separated somehow so i was left alone to hang around the bar like a loser.

There i am leaning on the counter doing my favorite thing in the entire world, people watching. Cough cough *judging* cough cough.
Every time my eyes would sweep over this particular table, i'd stare into a pair of eyes. I couldn't exactly tell what color eyes he had but he was staring alright.
When for the fifth time i found the same pair of eyes on me, i decided to stare them down too even raising an eyebrow for the full effect.

'Let's see if you back down creep!' I muttered to myself determined to win this staring match.

'That's quite the staring match you got going on there.' A voice said from beside me.

'I was the stare down champion in sixth grade. I'm winning this!' I offered back refusing to break eye contact with the creep at 4 o'clock.
The stranger besides me chuckles.

'Beautiful and funny. What's a girl like you doing tossing around her attention to bar creeps?"
Woah! Okay, smooth. Who was he? Mr-I demand attention because i'm obviously a good lay- Robinson?
I decided anyone who demands my attention with such flourish deserves nothing less than to stare at my naked back a few hours later that night.

So i slapped on my seductive smile and turned my head slowly but flirtatiously towards his direction at the same time raising one leg and resting my shoe on the wooden part below the counter. I was nothing if not a lady.
Now gazing into a pair of blue-grey eyes, a smirk plastered on this beautiful man's face because he too knew what he had done.

'You have my full attention Mr. Robinson. What are you gonna do with it?' I ask him softly breaking into a grin at the end.
The Mr. Robinson thing slipped but dammit i deserved an oscar for my outstanding performance in this adaptation of pretty woman.
He breaks into a smile of his own but runs the back of him thumb against his lips to hide it while clearing his throat and looking away briefly.

'What's your name beauty?' He asks while biting his lower lip looking me up and down. My message had been received.

'Mrs. Robinson, tonight.' I say, my voice heavy with want while i put my leg down and turn to him fully.
Resting my elbow on the counter, i place my chin on the back of my hand while licking my lips when he doesn't respond immediately.

Your move cowboy.

Ahhhhhhhhhh! Finally one chapter done. It looks kind of short so i have to work on my length. It'll be better next chapter.
Love to love ya.

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