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A/N: In which Peter can talk to spiders. He's been adopted by Tony and lives in the Avengers Tower (not compound)

The first time Peter talked to a spider was odd. He'd been humming to himself on the couch, and a small voice made him jump. "I quite enjoy that tune." It said, seemingly coming from the ceiling. "Wha—what? Who's there?" Peter asked, scanning the room. "It's me, the one waving with my front two legs." The voice explained, and Peter furrowed his brow in confusion. "Um..." He mumbled, squinting at the ceiling. Finally he saw who was speaking, a rather large black spider who was sitting upside-down on the ceiling. True to her words, the spider was waving her front two legs. How Peter knew it was a female, he wasn't sure. He just knew.

"Oh. Hello there! I'm Peter." The brunette boy said, holding out a hand. The spider dropped onto his hand and put her front legs down. "Hello Peter, I am 15." She introduced herself, and Peter smiled slightly. "What do you mean, you're 15?" He asked, looking curiously at the spider on his palm. "That is my name. I was the 15th offspring to emerge from my mother's egg sac." The spider explained, and Peter hummed in affirmation.

"Can I give you a proper name?" The brunette asked, cocking his head to the side like a puppy. There was a small silence. "Okay. Thank you." The spider said, rocking back and forth on her long legs. Peter beamed, thinking of names. "How about... Obsidian?" He suggested. The spider paused, seemingly thinking about the name. "It is a good name. Thank you, Peter." The spider, Obsidian, answered. Peter's smile widened. "Awesome! Let me show you around, Obsidian." The brunette boy chirped, placing the spider on his shoulder and moving around the room. "So this is the living room..."

A few hours later, Peter was sitting at the dinner table with the rest of the Avengers. Obsidian had gone back to wherever she lived in the vents. It was Friday, otherwise known as Family Day, which meant that the group had to eat dinner together and bond. They were all sitting and eating, a comfortable silence growing. All of a sudden, Peter squeaked and dropped his fork. "Jeez, Dian, you can't scare me like that!" He sighed, picking up his fork. The rest of the team just stared at him oddly. The brunette boy poked a piece of steak with his fork, nodding as if he was listening to somebody. "Well yeah, but you can't just shout in my ear randomly." He protested suddenly, and huffed a little. There was another pause, and then Peter rolled his eyes. "All right, I get it. Why're you dropping in now?" He asked, and the rest of the Avengers exchanged glances.

"Peter..." Steve began, and Peter looked up at him. "Yeah?" The brunette boy asked with a smile. Steve hesitated. "Well... who are you talking to?" The super-soldier finished, and Peter beamed. "Oh, this is..." The teenager began, lifting his hand to his shoulder. A small black spider jumped onto his palm, and Peter moved his hand so it was in front of him. "Obsidian! I call her Dian or Obi." He introduced, and the spider on his palm waved a leg at Steve, who blinked and stared at the black arachnid in a stunned silence. "She says hi, to all of you." Peter said, placing the spider on the table and continuing to eat.

In the next few weeks, the Avengers found many spiders all over the place. Peter had given them all names, and was furious and devastated when Tony accidentally squished one. He'd refused to talk to the mechanic for a week and a half, and made a little grave for the spider (who's name was Alexander). His sadness was cured when Obsidian got a girlfriend, who Peter named Maro because of her maroon-like color. The brunette boy happily introduced the new spider to the Avengers, who awkwardly greeted the arachnid.

Peter brought Obsidian to school for Bring Your Pet to School Day, freaking out a boy in another class who had arachnophobia. A year later, Peter found Obsidian lying upside-down on the kitchen table, legs curled up tight, clearly dead. The brunette boy's eyes clouded up with tears, and he carefully picked up the black spider and brought her to his room. He took a flowerpot, painted colorful and intricate flowers on it, filled it with dirt, and buried Obsidian in it. He even added a small gravestone with an 'O' engraved on it. Peter moped around for quite a while, going as far to hold a small funeral service for all the spiders that had known Obsidian. Maro died soon after, and Peter buried her right next to Obsidian. The boy's first spider-friends began to die around him, and he was devastated.

He was never as close to any other spiders as he was with Obsidian or Maro. 

(Filler chapter, sorry :P)

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