Chapter 5 Stone Heart

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Cole comes over to me and grabs my hand.

" Jasper. You are not coming with us on this mishon. I'm sorry but I can't see you git hurt again. It's to dangerous for you." Said Cole.

" But." I said.

" I'm not got it argue with you. I'm sorry but this it how it has to be. I love you." Said cole he kissed me as he said I love you. He walked away from me and I felt defeated. When he walked away from me I ran into my room. And closed the door behind me. I changed into my gi. I inched my head trying to think of a plan.

(" I'm definitely going.") I thought as I paced back and forth. I looked at my gi and back at my closet with my old bandit cloths.

" The heck with this I'm going." I said opening my window. A alarm went off when I opened it. It slammed close and Nya talked over the intercom.

" Sorry Jasper. I'm not letting you out." My door locked.

" Nya let me out. I need to help them. Viper is to powerful. I want to help them." I said going over to my door and pulling it to open it. But it wouldn't budge.

" Sorry Jasper Cole's orders. He really cares about you. And he doesn't want you to die." Said Nya.

" Nya I get it ok." I said sitting down with my back against the door.

" Nya please let me out. We can work together to help them not tern against us or tern to stone like me." I said. I herd a click and my door was unlocked. I pulled it open. And walked out to the deck. I saw Nya in robotic suit. That looks like a samurai. She was holding her helmet under her arm. My jaw dropped.

" Come on Jasper." Said Nya. I closed my jaw. And jumped on the shoulder of the samurai. Because there was a chair there. There was a seat belt so I buckled myself in. We flew off where the ninja were going wants nya got in her suit. There is a big dark cloud over one of the biggest buildings and then Ninjago City.

("I'm guessing that's where we're supposed to go.") I said in my head.

" I'll drop you off by the building doors then you're going to have to go on foot." Said Nya.

" Okay." I said as I held on to my seat belt. When Nya landed there where a hole bunch of soldiers coming are way. And some where nocked out. Nya gave me a sword and said.

" Take this. And go up there. I've got these guys." She said. I grabbed the handle of the sword. And unbuckled my seat belt. I jumped down from the samurai suit unharmed. I looked back at Nya.

" Thank you Nya." I said.

" Your welcome. Now go!." Said Nya. Grabbed mask and pulled it over my face. I raced into the building holding the sword that Nya gave to me by my side. The ninja where halfway up the steps. And where nocking down bad guys off the steps towards me at the bottom. I moved out of the way. And the bad guy landed on his face.

("Man that's going to hurt in the morning. Come on Jasper stealth is your friend.") I thought to myself as I walked up the stairs. Trying not to make noise. I got up to the top step. And saw the ninja had stopped. I gasped and walked back down a step and crouched down so they didn't see me.

" Where to next where at the top floor but there's no Viper in sight." Said Jay.

" Well there has to be a way up to the roof." Said Kai.

" Did you hear that." Said Cole. I could hear foot steps. I walked to the railing and jumped over it holding onto the bars of the reeling going down so they can't see me.

" Do you see anything." Said Zane.

(" Come on. Move my hands can't hold on for long.") I said in my head holding onto the bar at the bottom of the steps. That connected the steps to the railing.

" Nope it must have been my imagination." Said Cole. I lifted up my self for a second. Cole was walking away.

" I found the stairs. That goes up to the roof." Said Lloyd. Cole raced over to it and once they where gone. I pulled myself over the railing. And landed on the other side. Once I caught my breath from almost gitting caught. I followed the ninja up stairs. I got to the top and saw Viper sitting on his throne, Holding the yin and yang blade as a staff. The ninja where just about to fight. Then Viper shouted at the Ninja.

" Well well well. I've been waiting for you guys. And I was starting to get bored." Said Viper.

" Viper." I said coming out of my hiding spot. Holding my weapon by my side.

" Jasper." Said Cole turning around looking at me.

" I know what you said to said Cole. But we are a team. And a team sticks together." I said going in the middle of the group.

" Ha ha ha!. Don't make me laugh you'll go down ether way." Said Viper laughing hysterically. His tongue sticked out when he was laughing. Vipers staff grew darker. Viper grew dragon feet with sharp claws. He stood up and his tail dragged on the ground. Viper went on all fours in his hands became Claws as he began to grow. Bigger and bigger he grew wings. He was big enough to hold on to the building. He roared in his sharp fangs showed. His roar everyone cover their ears.

" That's a problem." Said Jay. Uncovering his ears.

" What do we do." Said Kai.

" We need to git his staff away from him. That's the source of his power." I said.

" Of course that would be easy if we knew where it was." I said.

" There." Said Cole pointing up at his left hand it was closed. But you can see the evil mist coming from his hand.

" How are we going to git to it." Said Zane. I began to transform. I grew a tail with a big father at the end of it. I grew wings like a bat and my back feet where sharp. I was green dragon. When I was done transforming. I was face to face with Viper. He had black mist coming out of his mouth. He tried to attack me by swiping at me with his sharp claws. I pulled my neck back. I roared at him showing my sharp teeth.

" Everyone git on my back now." I shouted. As I begin to take off. I began to fly. When everyone was on my back. Viper took off to trying to attack me and the others that are on my back. They fought back using their elemental powers. Making Viper hiss at us.

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