Chapter 24: My final answer

Start from the beginning

Shit. All this time, he was doing that and i completely forgot and then...forgot to think about what my next decision would be. Well, the only thing left to do

"Umm, i am going to go home now. I'm feeling a little sick." i said quickly, jumping up and rubbing my forehead. I turned 180 degrees and headed for my apartment, ignoring his calls...of course. Who does he think he is? Hmph.


Feeling satisfied that my body got a little smoochy there, i felt alarmingly pleased and happy with myself. Although i called for her to come back and she went home, i was not that disappointed.

But, i do have to teach someone a little table manners. And that someone, might just be me...well not me actually but you know, the other blonde guy and stuff.....oh hush, you get me. Psh, readers nowadays, wanting everything to be clear as day to them.

Oh, i'm sorry. Are you a reader? Am i insulting you? No, i am not. You are not a reader. You are a fan. Of Sting-sama..... *glitter flies everywhere*

"Are you sane...?" asked the infected-mosquito, as he questioned my inner thoughts to 'readers'.

"Of course i am, you dickhead. I was adressing my readers." i said.

"I thought they were fans?"

"Same shit."

"I see...well to me, they are not fans but lovely people who deserve so much more. They deserve--"

"Would someone please call a doctor?! This guy is insane, he is talking to the readers!!!' i belted out to the public. Disgusted looks were thrown his way and i laughed.

Sting-1, Malaria spreading weed- 0.

I think i'm gonna win this game.

"You, my copycat of a handsome man who is me of mine, need to learn when to break in. Lucy and i were quite busy earlier, if you could have at least noticed." i said through clenched teeth, a forced smile on my face. Was that possible? Hmm...well even if it wasn't, i made it possible.

"That's why i barged in. I may want my girlfriend back but you were clearly having the upperhand on her. I at least, have some justice." he said, "You clearly have no sense of justice."

"Well somebody needs to give you an Oscar for figuring that out, hoo hoo." i taunted, rolling my eyes. Aww yeah bitches, sassy and snobby Sting is back along with the value pack of beautiful, bold and vain. No refunds.

"You know, i'm also helping you out here." he replied, dusting his shoulder where my hand was a few seconds ago.

"I'm gonna bet you, your entire life is fucked up if what you just said is true." i said, obviously saying dumb stuff but was insulting him as well.

"You could at least thank me." he said, putting his hand out.

"You really want a bitch slap?" i asked.

"No you fool...oh my, you're so hard." he sighed, walking back into the guild and facepalming, and complaining about me being hard to deal with.

"Yeah, that's what she said!!" i yelled back, feeling pleased with my ten out of ten jokes. That idiot needs to learn his know who i just thought of? Rogue. Damn. Where is that guy? Anyways, wherever he is, well.....whatever. Like i care. Actually...i do but....whatever.

Feeling slightly bored, i decided it was high time to go back to Sabertooth. It feels like a year.

"Welcome back!" greeted  Yukino at the door, as i happened to bump into her.

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