You Only Need One True Friend

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Whispers. She heard a lot of them. Every day of her life, she heard them. It was like she didn't exist to them. Or, maybe they wanted her to hear the things they had to say about her. Maybe they weren't trying to be secretive about their hate for her.

It was safe to say, Ako had no friends. Not since elementary school. Even then, those "friends" abandoned her in her time of need. They didn't ever truly care about her. That's what they said to her face. She didn't know if it was true or if they had said that just to hurt her more.

That was the day Ako found out just how cruel the world was to someone like her. All because some people didn't think she was a girl. Because of those people, she was this way.

Ako never complained. She didn't say a word to anyone about how she was treated. She didn't want to start any drama. Instead, Ako just pretended to not hear those words. She just kept walking.

Today had been another tough day. More relentless bullying. More suffering. Ako was sick of it. She just wanted to fit in. All she ever wanted was a place to belong. But, she couldn't seem to find that.

Ako sighed as she entered her house. It appeared as though she was the only one home. Ako mechanically took off her shoes and went to her room. She changed out of her uniform and then plopped down onto her bed.

She didn't want to do much. It was draining to have to go to school. It took a lot out of her to ignore the whispers. To fake a straight face.

After laying on her bed for who knows how long, Ako got up. The only thing that made her feel better was playing video games. It was a way for her to escape reality and be who she wanted to be. No one knew who she was online. Ako planned to keep it that way unless she really trusted someone.

Ako didn't trust many people online. How could she when she saw how cruel people were to her in person? Ako doubted she'd find anyone who she could connect with.

She sighed as she logged on to NFO. Even on there, she rarely talked to other people. The only times she did were when she had to. Ako didn't strike up a conversation just because.

Ako mindlessly played the game. She was just grinding at the moment. There was a new set of armor she wanted but she didn't have enough to buy it. Ako made her way to a high level enemy zone. It wasn't very difficult for her, but they dropped a lot of loot.

When Ako arrived, she saw someone else there. That person wasn't fairing well. They were getting pretty easily beat. Ako jumped in and killed the enemies around them. She didn't know why she did. She wasn't trying to show off or be nice.

She was sent a message moments later. It simply said 'thank you' in it. Ako didn't know why, but she felt the urge to talk to them more.

Demon Princess Ako: Are you lost?

RinRin: No. I guess I just don't have the stats to do this quest

Demon Princess Ako: Do you want me to help you finish it?

RinRin: You don't mind?

Demon Princess Ako: No. I'm just grinding rn so it's fine

RinRin: Thank you. I'd appreciate it

The two of them discussed the details of the quest and then set off to finish it. Ako found herself actually enjoying the company. There was just something different about them. Ako didn't know what it was. She couldn't put it into words.

It wasn't too long after that they finished the quest. Ako didn't want to say goodbye to her... companion yet.

Demon Princess Ako: Is your name a nickname?

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