The story of Kayla Jones...

Start from the beginning

First period was mostly a blur. The class ticked by. Every single second seeming more and more long. Every word coming out of Mrs. Roman's mouth sounding like gibberish. I'm so focused on getting everything done and turning everything in on time that I barely even remembered what class was next. As soon as the bell rang, I quickly gather my things and I darted out of the class and straight to the library to get my 3 projects done as well as print out all the posters and information I need for the meeting about the fairyland dance after school. There was so muchI needed to do in such little time. I sat at the nearest table I could find and immediately got to work. I first went and began typing out the information for the meeting. My fingers aching the whole time. I quickly pressed print then waited for my twenty copies to be printed out at the schools printer. While waiting for all of the copies to successfully print out, I got to business proof reading through all of my essays, editing them and correcting any mistakes. I guess you could see the stress on my face because I was getting looks by everyone. I couldn't care. Too many things to worry about and getting weird stares weren't one of them. One girl, Jessie Wood, came up to me after a while to check on me. Her short, dark brown, shiny hair bouncing with every step she took towards me. Her eyes smiling as much as her actual smile. Her pink cheeks complimenting her olive skin tone. Her blue jean pants hugging her thighs perfectly while her baggy shirt hides her naturally huggable body. Her rainbow Vans tapping on the floor as she came closer to me. Her presence bring warmth and calmness to me. Her signature scent of vanilla and oddly satisfying mix of baby powder filling my nose. Her big light brown staring at me as she came and sat down next to me. The energy around me immediately shifted.  Her perfect smile not disappointing. I've only had couple of conversations with her before, but she can hold a good conversation. The way she always seemed so engaged. She was always ready to carry a conversation. Always knowing something about every topic, and if she didn't, she was always ready to learn. The way her eyes would gleam learning something new. It is the most precious thing ever. She is basically the opposite of awkward. More like a social butterfly, free as ever. "Hey, Kayla. You good? You seem a little umm. Stressed." She asked with her fine eyebrows curving up. She grabbed the head of the chair next to me, pulling it out and and sitting down. "Oh, hey Jessie. Um, yeah I'm fine. I'm just a bit stressed cause of all the things happening this week." I said briefly looking over my last essay. She looked down at my essays, subtly reading through a couple of sentences. She rested her hands on the table, tapping her clean nails on the wood table. "You need help or do you wanna talk about it?" She asked taking the pen I had in my hand and placing it in in front of her. Her eyes looking into mine . "Oh no, I got it. It's just I have to do all this planning for the dance this weekend and I have multiple projects due all this week." I said leaning my head on my hand. I pulled one of my curls that fell in my face and watched it bounce back into place. "Oh gosh." "Yeah. So, I guess you can say I'm kinda frantically trying to get everything in order. Oh crap. I forgot I have track practice after school as well." I said literally slamming my head on the table. I stretched my arm out searching for my pen. "Well, if I can think of anyone to get things done, it would be you, Kayla. You're probably the most hardworking student council president we have had for a long long time. And, if I may ask, why do you put so much work on yourself?" She asked looking at me with interest. Her light brown eyes twinkling eager to learn more. She intertwined her fingers together, setting them down in her lap. "Oh, umm. I don't know. I guess I've always strived to be the best I can be. Like if I can't create a name for myself, what's the point. So, I joined student council, took all AP classes, and took on the duty of doing all the relays for this weeks track meet." I replied to her. I touched a piece of hair behind my ear while grabbing my pen to go over my essays one more time. "Wow. That's honestly amazing." She said looking at me in aww. Her smile stretching across her face which just feels me with such a bubbly feeling. "Thanks." I said jotting down bullet points on what I need to fix for my project. "That's honestly one of the nicest thing someone has said to me." I looked into her innocent eyes which showed her sincerity. Her flushed cheeks only adding to the effect. "No problem. Well, the bell is about to ring, so I should probably get going back to class. Catch you later?" She said getting up pushing her chair in. "Yep. See ya around." She waved her hand bye before flashing another teethy smile and left the library as I tried to wrap up my project. "One down. Two more to go." I said as I gather my things in my arms, placing them carefully in my block bag and headed to my next class.

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