if vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then BABY oil is made from-

Start from the beginning

This would be Sev's alter ego (is that the right word??) Sebastian. (It's actually just a disguise, but he made it a whole persona because he's extra like that.) I'm not sure if he'd wear a wig or what...I really like his hair as it is, so maybe just extensions would be fine.
(On the right: More formal outfit that doesn't look sci-fi at all so I'll probably never draw him in it; on the left: more plausible outfit that still looks weird so I'll probably change it like 20 times before giving up someone send help)  (THE TWO VERSIONS LOOK COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM EACH OTHER BUT THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE SAME DISGUISE WH-) Anyway, he'd appear as "Sebastian" in public most of the time just so he doesn't get captured while trying to get groceries or something XD
Doesn't he look vaguely older when he's in disguise? (In the right one at least; the left one just looks weird) OK, HE AGED LIKE FINE CHEESE, THAT'S OLDER SEV'S CANON DESIGN NOW YOU CAN'T STOP ME

Question: Would aliens even have glasses?? It just doesn't look right for some reason... Since they have spaceships and stuff they'd probably be able to correct vision through more "high-tech" means, but at the same time, I don't want to ban character designs with glasses- (I mean, Mona's dad has glasses and they look good on HIM but on Sev sometimes they look good and sometimes they don't??) (this society makes zero sense and I'm kinda sad about it)

I considered giving him a ridiculous adhesive mustache to REALLY push the disguise, but...nah, we're not going there. (Can you still impress the ladies if you have a furry caterpillar-looking thing taped to your face? Sev says NO! I mean...probably not? He hasn't tried it- so- maybe-)

probably not? He hasn't tried it- so- maybe-)

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The reason I haven't posted any comic panel sketches in a while is because lately the sketches have been turning out really bad, but then they look much better once I finish them digitally, and I'm too embarrassed to post the bad messy versions but I also don't want to spoil the story by posting finished panels, so you'll just have to settle for thumbnails until I can figure out how to make my sketches look decent again ^^"

The reason I haven't posted any comic panel sketches in a while is because lately the sketches have been turning out really bad, but then they look much better once I finish them digitally, and I'm too embarrassed to post the bad messy versions bu...

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