💫Formaggio + A/N 💫

Start from the beginning

Formaggio gaged your smile and relaxed against the door, reading the mood and locking it subtly as you approached him. He tested out the waters by throwing out a sentence. "I take it you're not so mad at me, huh?"

You stood in front of him now, annoyingly shorter than him. You raised an eyebrow at his question. "No not really, you did a good job of cleaning. I was also just absolutely done with life because I was in pain earlier."

A look of concern spread across his face as he studied you for a few quick seconds. "Are you feeling better? Here let me take care of it." And like that he picked you up with ease, slinging you over his shoulder and marching off the the bathroom. On the way over you passed a concerned pair of Melone and Illuso, along with an anxious Pesci and an unamused Prosciutto. Nobody spoke up though, there was no reason to. It was a normal occurence to see you slung over one of their shoulders and being taken to a room somewhere.

Formaggio almost kicked down the bathroom door and set you on the toilet lid as he prepped the bathtub. You watched in amusement as he pondered over which products to use by glancing at you and reading the labels.

"Which one of these do you want? We've got some vanilla and cinnamon stuff or some tropical shit." He flashed the labels of bath salts in your face with such seriousness it made you snicker.

"Whaaaat? I'm tryna be helpful here babe, you're not cooperating very much." He pouted and awaited a proper response, leaning against the wall as you further read the contents of the containers.

"Fine fine don't get your dick in a twist. I'll take some of that tropical shit then." You made air quotes around his name for the bath salt and held back a series of snorts when he sagely nodded his head and placed it down reverently.

Once the tap water started running you had gained an audience clambering to peek through the crack of the open door. Ghiaccio wore the most disapproving expression he coumd muster while Melone and Illusi leered at you from their spot. Formaggio was busying himself with putting in the perfect mixture of bubbles, oils and salts and you frantically waved the lads away to avoid a commotion. They paid no mind and collectively squinted at the man inside the bathroom, no doubt silently judging him. Maggi straightened his back and turned to you about to speak before he saw movement out of the corner of his eye.

"Nope sorry this isn't a show today. Fuck off for some other time please and thank you." He sneered at them all before promptly slamming the door shut in their faces and locking it. He smugly eyed the door for a few more seconds before turning to you. "Mkay princess, time for you to get in."

"Yeah yeah I'm getting to it. No need to be so damn pushy." You halfheartedly waved him off as you stripped, making it a point to go slowly.

To say there was no chemistry between the both of you would be an outright lie, similarly with all your other teammates. In terms of professionalism between all of you, the lines were very much blurred. Your original purpose and your new one meshed together in a sort of assassin/sex worker combination and you didn't mind it at all. They treated you well and generally you got paid a decent amount of money for your services. There was satisfaction heavily involved in it, and the strength of you and your stand had placed you on a sort of pedestal for them.

Formaggio eyed the turquoise satin underthings you wore, humming in satisfaction as you reached around to unhook your bra. If he was still hanging around then might as well give him a good show, yeah? Your eyes leveled with his as you slipped off your panties, and you smiled while wordlessly daring him to look at you. He bit his lip as you dipped into the steaming water and nearly lost it when you released a little involuntary moan at the heat enveloping your body.

You glanced over to him as he moved to lean against the countertop, his composure was slowly dwindling the longer he started at your nude body. You already looked small in his eyes, but without any clothes on you looked so much smaller... You looked so vulnerable and soft.

Water cascaded over your shoulders as you poured it over yourself, all the strain on your body earlier was steadily melting away under the heat. You smiled up at Formaggio, his face held a look of blessed wonder.

"What're ya thinking about Maggi?" You tilted your head and attempted to gage his mood, and unsurprisingly you couldn't.

"I'm just... realizing a few things right now." He sheepishly answered before tearing his gaze away to the nearest wall, rubbing the back of his neck in discomfort.

"Like what?" You absently asked him as a few bubbles caught your attention. You popped them and turned back to look at your teammate. He was staring and that was when you realized the look of... adoration on his features.

"(Y/n), I don't think you've ever noticed but you're just... You're beautiful. I don't know how to describe it, sure there have been some pretty girls in my life but you're so much different from them. It isn't so surface level. I dunno, it's been weighing on my mind every time I look at you." He stumbled a few times while spilling the innermost thoughts of his mind and realized how much he had said when your face sported pleasant shock. He seemed like such an idiot but here he was speaking so clearly with such conviction.

"Formaggio... wow I didn't even... th-thank you." You stuttered in complete disbelief of such tender praise. It never crossed your mind that anyone could see you as such, especially with your line of expertise. He beamed at your stupefied expression and hummed to himself in content, something about seeing you genuinely flustered and blushing almost felt better than any type of sex you could give him. Almost.

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