Chapter 6: Doc's Past

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3rd person POV
McQueen was tossing and turning in his sleep as Y/N walks down the stairs to see him on the couch. "McQueen, McQueen, Lightning McQueen wake up!" "Aaaaaaaah!" "Finally you're awake, I'll make some break-" McQueen was already out of house "fast. Guess the faster he finishes the faster he can get out of here." she says turning back around and cooking breakfast for herself.

McQueen races over to Doc's and bursts through the doors "Have you seen the sheriff- oh my gosh!" McQueen covers his eye at seeing Doc performing surgery on the Sheriff's hip. "What are you doing here?" "I was gonna ask for my ration from the sheriff." "Wait over at Flow's and maybe work faster." "I've been trying to get out of here for three days!" McQueen says storming out and kicking a can that goes in a garage, and causing a crash to be heard from inside.

He walks over there and opens the doors to see Doc's car along with stuff piled everywhere "Gosh Doc, time to clean the garage. Buddy come on." he says looking around before something shiny caught his eye. He looks closer and sees, a Piston Cup?! "What? He has a Piston Cup?!" McQueen says quietly before seeing another one. He walks over and gently pushes some stuff out of the way before seeing another Piston Cup?! "Two more Piston Cups?" he looks at them before seeing a newspaper with Doc's face on it with the same woman who was in the photo at Y/N's house. "Sign says stay out." a grumpy voice said making McQueen jump.

He looks at who is Doc with a surprised look "You have three Piston Cups how could you-" "I knew you couldn't drive, I didn't know you couldn't read." "How come I never seen this? You're the famous Hudson Hornet! Oh you gotta show me your tricks please!" "I already tried that." "You won the seasons in a row look at those trophies!" "You see trophies, all I see is a bunch of empty cups." Doc says before closing the doors to his garage, leaving McQueen standing there with a "are you kidding me" expression.

Y/N walks past McQueen who raced past her to Flow's. "What's his problem?" she said to herself before continuing to walk to her grandfathers garage. "Hey Papa," Y/N said opening the door "I was wondering if we can try racing your car, for old times sake?" Doc stares at his window before turning to Y/N "I don't know if I still have the courage to drive like that again." he said turning to her "Well, you never know till you try." Doc chuckles before hugging Y/N "How did I get to have such an amazing granddaughter?" "You raised me, otherwise I wouldn't be here with you." "I guess you're right, now let's get started." Doc said as he pick up a wrench and tossed it to Y/N who caught it.

Time skip

McQueen was chasing a cow that had got out thanks to last night when he spots Y/N and Doc with a car that old racing tires. "Alright Papa, let's see if you still got it." "Alright Y/N, but stand back. It could get dusty." "Whatever you say Papa. Alright, start your engine!" Y/N shouted as she held a hanker chief in the air, Doc started his car with it purring like a kitten "3. 2. 1. Go!" Y/N shouted pulling her arm down and running to the left as Doc then zoomed pasted her. It was long before Doc came to the left turn which made McQueen worried, but then Doc turned his car sideways and began to drift along side with the dirt. Leaving a dust cloud behind him, he then made another turn and pasted the finish line, leaving McQueen shocked and Y/N proud "You still got it Papa, I knew you still had it somewhere in ya!" she said running to her grandfather as he got out of the car and hugged her.

"Wow, you're amazing." McQueen said popping out of nowhere. Doc growled before telling Y/N to go to Flow's and driving his car back to the garage. "Doc seriously your driving's incredible." "Wonderful now go away." Doc said getting out of his car. "No I mean it you still got." "I'm asking you to leave." "Come on I'm a race car driver, and you're a much older race car driver but under the hood you and I are the same." "We are not the same understand now get out." "How can a racer like you quit at the top of your game?" Doc stops moving before moving to a light switch "You think I quit?" He turns on a light that shines on two portraits, one with Doc's car, and another with a car similar to Y/N's. "Right, your big wreck at 54." "They quit on me, after I healed I went back expecting a big welcome, you know what they said 'You're history.' moved right on to the next rookie in line. There was a lot left in me, I never got the chance to show them. I keep that, to remind me to never go back. I just never expected that world, would find me here." McQueen then looked at the other portrait "I never heard of this accident, but why does that car have the same number as Y/N's?" "That was Y/N's mother, she was my daughter, she raced as well. After she had Y/N she wanted to race one last time before her engine caught fire, she didn't make it."

McQueen looks at the picture more closely, seeing doctors and firemen everywhere putting out the flames. "It still haunts me to this day, I was worried Y/N would suffer the same fate. After the incident they didn't even honor her death, they just said sorry and walked away." "Hey look Doc I'm not them," "Oh yeah?" "no I'm not." "When was the last time you cared about someone other than yourself hot rod, you name one time, and I take it all back." McQueen looks at the ground in defense "Uh huh, that's what I thought. These are good folk around here, who care about one another, I don't want them depending on someone they can't count on." McQueen's head then shot up "Oh like you? You've been here how and your friends don't know who are? Who cares about only themselves?" Doc steps back a bit "Just finish the road and get out here." he barks back before walking away, leaving McQueen to look at the portraits one more time.

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