Protective Yandere Sister x Blind Brother Reader

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(I know that I'm using the cover picture from my old book, but I thought it worked as a sister picture. Yandere Vampire part 2 will be up soon, but I was a little inspired to do this because I am half-blind. Also, your sister is called Mary)

(Mary POV) F/n age 3 Mary age 6

"You're doing great little brother," I called to him. "You're almost there."
I held my arms out as my baby brother stumbled his first steps over to me. I had tears rolling down my cheeks when I saw him stand up and take a step. He has been blind in one eye since birth and now he's finally taken his first steps. I was standing beside mum while dad was recording on his phone.
He looked like he might fall over but he took the last step and fell into my open arms. I caught him with tears and a big smile on my face. My smile only got wider when he looked up at me with one of his own.
"Did you see? Did you see?" He chanted up at me.
Mum and I smiled down at him and answered in unison. "We did."
I picked him up off the ground with a little bit of effort and he clung to me like his life depended on it. I gave a big hug back and cooed a little to him. He just pouted and tried to look tough but I tickled his belly and he started to giggle.

"I love you." He mumbled into my shoulder.
I felt a warm feeling surge through my chest when I heard those words. It was like drinking one of mum's hot chocolates. I don't know what this feeling is, but I love it. I want to feel it more. I want to hear him say that again. And I'll do anything to make it happen.

Timeskip 5 years

"FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE!" Mum shouted, slamming her bedroom door shut.
I felt F/n cling on tighter to me when the door slammed and I tried to shush him quiet. Mum and dad were having another fight. Y/n always hated these fights more than me because he could barely see what they were doing. I felt his tears running down my shirt and stroked his head gently.
"It's okay, F/n." I whispered into his ear. "I've got you. You're safe with me."
His hands clutched the back of my shirt. "I'm scared, sis."
I felt anger flash through me but I didn't show it to him. "Just hold onto me, I'll keep you safe."
I looked up from my shaking brother and saw dad walking towards us. I hid my glare when he got close. He's scaring my little brother and I'm not pleased about that. But I can't say anything. He is still my dad.
"Hey champ, sorry if we scared you." He bent down to speak to Y/n. "Mummy and Daddy are just disagreeing on a few things at the moment."
I felt my little brother shift and look at dad. "Like a fight?"
Dad was quick to shake his head. "No bud, mummy is just sad right now. Why don't you go in there and give her a hug?"
I felt Y/n untangle himself from my arms and I was ready to punch dad. I watched as he walked towards our parent's bedroom and knocked quietly. I kept my eyes on him as he slipped inside and I felt sad to see him disappear from sight. I loved that hug but they had to ruin it with their stupid arguments. But I'll get another chance, I know I will.

Three months later

"OUTTA THE BLOODY WAY GET A DOCTOR!" Dad shouted, pushing people aside.
Mum was holding Y/n in her arms, struggling to keep it together for his sake. I kept glancing over at his unconscious body and let out a fresh sob every time I did. But I couldn't stop torturing myself. It was my fault. All my fault. I didn't mean to hit him with the bat. I was trying to hit the ball and he walked in front of me. I'm so stupid I should have stopped myself. 
I looked over again and saw the rock sticking out of his only working eye socket. I felt a fresh set of tears prick my own eyes and I wished it could have been me. At least we were near the hospital. It took less than five minutes to get here but that was still too slow for me. I heard dad call out for help again and finally, a nurse came to see what the commotion was about.
"Sir," She said in her calming voice. "Please stop shouting. Tell me what's wrong."
"It's my son..." He sounded on the verge of crying. "He took a hit to the head and a rock is lodged in his eye. Please help my boy."
The nurse glanced at my brother and I growled internally. How dare she look at him. She doesn't deserve to. I mean I don't deserve to either but I am the only one who should be caring for him right now. Not some bitch in a white, piss-stained dress.
"I see sir. If you would please follow me and we'll take care of everything." She offered a smile at him and walked away briskly.

Various Yandere Females x Male Readers (Taking Requests)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora