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Jello! It's me, Shi! I'm back from my break and maybe I will be producing a bunch of chapters now that I'm in the mood to write! I --- I may not be updating the other x reader for a little while longer, and hopefully we don't end up discontinuing it. :,)

Perspective ; Y/n [reader] || I looked around the dimly lit bedroom; its walls stained with not even the monster under my bed knows.
This was my life. Constant drama that I'm somehow always in the centre of, failing in school and being stressed all the time. Oh, did I forget to mention that I've been having dreams that continue and hearing voices?

My alarm clock went off, pulling me from my thoughts. I got put of bed and turned it off before slightly opening my door and peeking through the gap. My parents weren't awake, luckily. I opened the door and tip-toed downstairs into the kitchen. I grabbed a slice of bread and then looked out the window.
The sun was barely rising. Sighing, I turned away from the window and walked back to my bedroom to change clothes and then returned downstairs.

I grabbed my backpack and lazily slung it onto my shoulder before opening the door and leaving. It may be early, yes, but you know what? I have no choice. I've made myself a promise to avoid my family, even if it means risking getting kidnapped.

I stopped walking once I noticed I've reached the road. The sun has risen a bit more by then, it's easy barely touching the earth.
I looked around, letting out a quiet sigh, before crossing the road.

" Hey no wait! Don't do i-"

And then all I saw was black....

I opened my eyes. I still saw black. I looked around and I still saw black. Where was I?
I could hear faint sirens and yelling. I signed and stepped forward...wait, I can walk...? That means...
I stepped forward once again. I began walking to --somewhere-- and eventually, the sirens and voices became louder, more audible, not only that --- I saw a light.
I ran towards it, soon realizing it was coming from an orb. It was just... floating.

I slowly reached out to it. Once I touched it, it began shining brighter. I winced and shielded my eyes with my free hand as I tried pulling my arm back. It wouldn't move. Instead, I was being sucked into it!
Crap, what did I do!?

The sirens became louder and louder, soon hurting my ears with its volume. It was louder than my discord voice call.
The next thing I knew, I was falling.

[]• My Girl~ •[]
✏ Countryhumans × Reader
Notes from author
✒ Hewo uwu
There isn't really anything to say...?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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