Chapter 2: Don't Forget

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Asahi was a total mess. Sure, his driving was almost too careful (to the point of people thinking that he actually was an old man), but today was a different story. at least the traffic wasn't terrible, or he might have gone crazy with worry.

He made it to the college with just a few minutes left, scrambling out of the car as he grabbed his bag and rushed inside. He tried his absolute best to look normal as he quickly walked to the classroom, though there definitely were some wandering eyes that only made Asahi feel worse. opening the doors to the large room, he kept his head down as he wandered to an open seat. He didn't enjoy the front row, though that seemed to be the only place where there was plenty of free spaces without having to sit diretly next to anyone.

Placing his bag down next to a chair, he sat and quietly rustled through his bag for his notebook, a pen, and...Shoot. Where were his glasses? Had he forgotten them? Frantically looking through his bag again, he finally found the case at the bottom of the bag. Letting out a relieved breath, he opened the case and took them out, sliding them on. He had to blink a few times, since his eyes didn't immediately adjust. Asahi wasn't too fond of the fact that his eyesight was indeed getting worse, but he just had to accept it for now. They were just reading glasses since he was dreading the fact of getting prescriptions, but knew that time would come eventually.

His first class was his least favorite, as it was just long, boring lectures about fashion history. He already knew enough of it, but he had to be there since the professor would always assign a random test whenever they liked. It was somewhat frustrating, but he eventually got used to it. His classes went by as usual, Asahi taking notes that he'd look over probably once before trashing them. He pretty much knew everything the professors were talking about. All he had to do was finish up this semester and then he'd be set up for a good job.

As for the other important factors in his life... He procrastinated a fair bit with those thoughts. He currently lived in a dorm, which had its good and bad parts. Sure, he didn't have to share much at all and there were multiple rooms, but it was all kind of run down and way out of style. That was the thing that bugged Asahi the most. The lights sometimes stopped working too, but he managed.

Buying his own home and having a life other than working freaked him out a bit. It's too early for that! But it really wasn't. Relationships were out of the question. He didn't even think about that until someone would bring it up. "You'd make a great husband and father!" I'm gay. "All the girls fall for you!" That's the problem.

Soon enough, Asahi had finished his classes and went to a small café to relieve his stress. All of the employees there knew him, and often had small conversations with him. They weren't much, as it really was just "How were your classes?" Or "What project are you working on?" And the like. He was alright with it though, since he didn't have much other time to have normal conversations.

When he walked in today, however, things were a bit different. They'd never seen him in such a mess; He usually had himself straightened out and would wear a calming smile, but with his hair being awfully frizzy and looking like he hadn't slept in ages (Asahi with lack of sleep is a living nightmare), they were pretty worried.

The first thing that he did was out of his normal routine, even. Heading straight to his usual spot away from the window, he pulled out his notebook with the various design options he'd worked on for his current dreaded project. He was flipping through them frantically, comparing each one with the other, mumbling things to himself in a panic. One of the staff had walked over to him, since the place was currently pretty slow.

"Hey Azumane, you alright? You want your usual?" They asked with a worried voice.

"..nn...I.." Asahi then looked up. "O-Oh! Sorry. I'm alright.. And sure." He reached for his bag to search for his wallet, but the staff member smiled and shook their head.

"You're stressed enough. Just keep on working with what you're doing, and I'll bring it over on me. Okay?" They hadn't even waited for an answer before they turned with a hum and went to go get his food.

Asahi wasn't really prepared for an answer, anyways. He just mumbled a bunch of nothing in attempt to protest before he sighed and went back to his notebook. Soon the employee was back with a small salad and chilled tea, Asahi thanking them multiple times before they went back to work.

The food in his stomach was pretty helpful as he did calm down quite a bit from his frantic state, taking in deeper, slower breaths. He realized then that he hadn't even checked his phone today, reaching for it in his pocket- And to his dismay he didn't find it there. His heart dropped a bit, checking his other pockets and his bag, but it just wasn't there... He groaned and quickly finished the rest of his lunch, putting the notebook in his bag and heading back to his car where he searched there as well. Must've left it at home.. Damnit. He started the car and headed back for his dorm to go get it.

· · ·

The alarm didn't have time to go off as Nishinoya sprung up from his bed and harshly slammed the button to shut it off early. It was around 5:30 in the morning and Nishinoya just couldn't get himself back to sleep. He'd get an earful about it from his agent, sure, but he didn't much care. He was supposed to be on break and he could break a few rules for a little while.

Stretching with a smile, he eagerly reached for his phone to see if he got a response. To his dismay, there wasn't one... Maybe he was busy. He wouldn't doubt it.. Or what if he changed his phone number? That wouldn't be surprising. He could probably ask around to see if he had changed it. Meh, he'd get to it later.

Standing and yawning loudly, he stumbled over to his bathroom to brush his teeth as he checked his notifications. His eyes suddenly widened as he nearly choked on his toothbrush. A message from his agent? Was he finally officially on break? Tapping on it, he couldn't believe what it said. Sure, it wasn't exactly what he wanted, but it was by all means fine with him.

"Good morning, Nishinoya Yuu.

There's an opening for a photoshoot near your hometown that I was notified for, and I was wondering if you'd like to take part in it. It would be the start of your break today, however if you want I could file your name in for the photoshoot. It will be in a week or so, and I will give you the details once the contacters send it to me. Have a nice day.

Arrivederci! -------"

Nishinoya was thrilled. Okay, this would definitely screw his plans back in Japan, but what the hell! It might even be a big company, which sounded fun. And maybe Asahi would see him in it. He'd keep this a secret from him for now. Heck, his entire career was still a mystery to the big man. He tapped out a "Heck yeah, man!" And sent it.

Nishinoya rinsed out his mouth and went to grab a change of clothes to shower. That's when he stopped in his tracks, realization hitting him.

What if Asahi didn't think of him as he thought? What if... Asahi had forgotten about him? No.. He wouldn't! Obviously!! Nishinoya shook his head and turned on the water, stripping himself of his clothes and stepping into the shower.

After all, Asahi had told him to promise that they'd meet up again sometime. To promise not to forget each other. Right?

Word count: 1394

Jeez, so sorry for it being a week late! Things in life happened, I'm not feeling well right now and I had no motivation whatsoever. Also, sorry for not making Nishinoya's part as lengthy as Asahi's was. My brain is short-circuiting from all the pills I've taken, I swear.

see you next week (hopefully)!✨

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