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Summary: Harry is trying to meditate, but how can he do that when there's a beautiful, cute, sexy, adorable man, also known as his husband who keeps distracting him?

Also the picture on top is so freaky cuz it looks ssoooo real. You can see the shadow of Louis's thumb in Harry's cheek! Management didn't even do such good manips with Louis and Danielle!!!


"Hazza! I'm home!" Louis shouted when he entered their home. No response. Louis assumed that Harry is in the shower or taking a nap so he took his shoes off and dropped his keys on the table. He walked further into the house when he heard slow music playing. Like a mix of guitare and piano. The music was coming for upstairs. The next thought that crossed Louis's mind was that Harry is in the house studio writing some stuff. So he climbed the stairs. Unlike he thought the music was coming from their bedroom. What could Harry be possibly doing? Louis asked himself. The lad decided to get some answers so he opened the door.

I took him all he had to not laugh at the sight in front of him. Harry was laying upside down on their bed -meaning his head was where his feet where supposed to be, vise versa- and his legs were propped up on the wall with nothing but a shirt boxers on. Another that the fact that it was very funny, it was also very hot. Louis walked in the room to see that Harry had his eyes closed. "Haz? What are you doing?" He asked trying to figure if he's asleep or not. "I'm meditating. Be quiet." Harry responded without moving. How can he be quite, he's Louis Tomlinson for fuck's sake! He doesn't do quiet! Louis smiles fondly at his husband and stripped out of his dirty clothes too. He proceeded in going and laying next to Harry in the same position as him. It felt funny but Louis liked it.

He didn't expect meditating to be so quiet. So after a few minutes of silence and no movement, Louis got jittery. He can't stay in place or quiet for a long time. He decided to be the little shit he is and annoy Harry. That's what husbands/best friends are for right? To start, Louis was going to try and make him laugh.

Louis turned his head to look at Harry. Apart from the fact that it was silent, Louis really admired the view. Harry looked like an angel with his eyelashes brushing his cheeks, his cheeks slightly pink and his pink plump lips resting perfectly as if they were waiting to be kissed. He decided that laughing could wait. Louis went on his elbows and leaned his head over Harry's to kiss his lips. They were soft and pillow-like. Harry responded to the kiss but made no effort into touching Louis. He pulled away and looked at Harry who still hadn't moved, but the corner of his lips were up as if he was trying to hold back a smile.

He went back to his side and waited a while. When his feet started getting numb, he put them down, wondering how could Harry still have them up. Louis got bored again so he decided to tickle Harry. He went on his knees and moved closer to him, gently lifting his shirt up. Harry shivered but still didn't move. Louis made his fingers dance very gently and lightly across his husband's stomach. Said husband squirmed and bit on his lips harshly, trying to muffle a laugh. Louis moves on to poking his sides and Harry lost it. He exploded in laughter.

"Louis!" He hissed in one breath. "S-st-oop" Harry laughed and whined at the same time.

Louis smiles im victory and stopped. Harry sighed contently thinking that Louis was done and he could go back to relaxing. Louis went back to his place next to Harry but he started feeling lonely so he moved himself closer to him to cuddle. The older lad laid his head on the younger lad's chest. Lou enjoyed listening to Harry's calm heartbeat. The thought of that heart beating for partly him made him smile so widely his cheeks got sore. Louis traces the words 'I love you' on Harry's chest feeling extremely fuzzy and warm. Feeling like home. To Louis, Harry is home. Harry is the only person who can keep sain, he's the only person who can calm him down when he's being hyperactive. Harry will always be home.

Harry thought that Louis was finally going to leave him meditate in peace. I mean first he take of his clothes and stays in underwear looking fine as fuck (yes Harry peeked) then tickling him. It's like he's trying to kill him. Well he was wrong. Not even 5 minutes later, Louis started gently blowing air on Harry's neck, knowing that this is something that drives Harry crazy. The lad started squirming. He wouldn't give up. He knew Louis was only doing this to piss him off and he wouldn't give him the satisfaction of winning. After a few seconds, Louis connected his lips to Harry's neck. He heard his breath hitch and he could feel his heart beat faster against his lips. Louis moved his lips against Harry's neck until he reached his sensitive spot, the spot right under his jaw. He started sucking lightly on the spot, enjoying how Harry's fists closed trying not to touch him. When Louis sucked harder, a moan escaped Harry's lips. But Harry lost it completely when Louis's tongue and teeth were involved. Another moan escaped his lips as his hands went to Louis's hips pulling him on top of him.

"Fuck it!" Harry mumbled as he tangled his hands in Louis's hair to pull his face up for a messy, heated kiss.

And well, the rest you can ask Niall about it. He has the tape!


I noticed something (just to be clear I'm not saying that it's a Larry proof I'm just saying it's something that I noticed and I think it's cute):

"I will carry you over fire and water for your love" -Through the dark, written by Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne.

"Walk through fire for you, just let me adore you" -Adore you written by Harry Styles.

It's cute how to all three of them walking through fire is something they would do for someone's love. I mean great minds think alike.

Thx for reading! ✨✨

-Cece :)

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