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"My Lady, My Lady," called the Butler.

Mother and I retorted simultaneously "Yes what is it, Victor ?"

"The Lord of Chester has arrived to pay the family a visit" he announced.

"This is rather an unexpected visit. Place him in the second drawing-room," replied Mother in a confused tone.

Victor dashed out of the drawing-room to complete the task given to him.

He returned back in a few skips, with round beads of sweat across his face.

"He must have sent an unreceived telegram," Victor mumbled ashamedly.

Mother replied to him with an encouraging smile "Very well, I trust you informed the maids?"

Victor mumbled, "Yes my Lady, they have provided His Lordship with some refreshments."

"Lola you must accompany me. Richard, you stay here and rest," fretted Mother

Father grunted in response

With our hands joined together, Mother and I walked towards the second drawing-room.

Mother entered first.

The drawing-room was almost as identical as the first one, nevertheless more flamboyant.
French Leaded Glass Vitraux Windows hid beneath the white velvet floor-length curtains.
The gilt bronze Sphinx and Mahogany French center table were surrounded by Dutch Walnut armchairs. The table stood under the ormolu gold plated crystal French chandelier and little wisps of vanilla floated around the room.

Lord of Chester performed a gracious bow followed by a polite gesture of hand-kissing and a rather charming smile.

We returned them with gracious curtsies.

"My Lady, I hope I am not interrupting anything special. I personally wanted to invite you and your family to my Royal ball on Saturday" He chirped.

"Oh, how kind of you Lord Chester. We certainly appreciate your efforts and will be attending the ball. Thank you and please do send my greetings to Lady Chester." thanked Mama.

"I hope your Daughters will be attending?" Lord Chester pressed, staring hopefully at Mother..then at me.

Mama glanced at me uncertainly and then replied "Oh they will most definitely be attending. Lola's debut is due tomorrow so she shall make an appearance."

I did not like her tone. She was most definitely up to something.

oh no

It couldn't be!
...Or could it?

Is she going to marry me off and send me to live with an unbearable chauvinist who will make my life a living prison where I won't be able to do whatever I please or say whatever I please?

No, she wouldn't dare break her precious daughter's heart with the thing she dreaded most. Mama isn't that cruel right? ..or would she?

I zoned out so I didn't get to tune in on the rest of their tedious colloquy.

Hmmm, something seemed rather fishy. Lord Chester seemed a little too excited for the ball.

He is probably thinking of starting some sort of relationship between one of his slimy sons and I.
Over my dead derrière.

"Goodbye, My Ladies" bellowed Lord Chester as he made his leave.

"That was a rather strange visit wasn't it Mama?" I queried.

"There was nothing strange about it, actually he couldn't have picked a more perfect time," replied Mother mysteriously. Her eyes said it all."Since you are to have your debut tomorrow, you shall need as many social invites as you can acquire. The season shall soon begin."

"And Lola?

"Yes Mama?"

"Keep practicing your curtsy. You don't want to make a fool of our family before the Queen"


"Yes, I believe she's up to something"

" You're always suspicious of her dear sister"

"But this was different Clara,  I am quite certain of it. She had that look. Since I'm to have my debut tomorrow I shall be open to c-courtship

"Clare, she said that I'm going to marry you off look!" I exclaimed in my desperate attempt to show her exactly what I was blabbering about.

"the look of constipation..?" a confused expression plastered all over her porcelain-like exterior.

"No! this look. " I tried to explain.

"Are you quite alright dear sister? have you eaten? should I ask Alma to fetch the doctor? I can-"

"I'm very alright Clara, thank you very much! I find it rather insulting that you would think otherwise" I replied in a hurt tone, hoping she would take the bait.

She did.

"Sorry dear sister. It was merely a joke. Perhaps I could make it up to you?", she pleaded

My plan was working.

but she's such a sweet innocent sou- no Lola you mustn't think of that. She shan't suffer the ball , I shall.

"Well... there is one thing..."

"What is it?"

"Help me escape the ball?" I whispered.

"Wait what?"

"The ball. Help me convince Mother and Father that I'm so ill that I will be unable to leave my chambers or eat any food."

"B-but then I would be lying to Mother and Father."

" Oh stop the pretense. we both know you've done a lot worse Clara " I responded cheekily.

Clara's face glowed crimson red. Her glassy blue eyes sunk to the hard mahogany floors.

Scared that I would out her secrets, she gave in "Alright, fine I shall help you with your sly plans but you mustn't utter a word about anything to Mother, Father, or any other living creature."

I won't "I assured.


"I promise with a cherry on top. When I return from my debut, we shall discuss how I shall escape"

Lola ClermontWhere stories live. Discover now