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A\N: Okay I change my mind, I'm too lazy to write chapter one again ,so I'm just gonna sum it up,here it goes.

Summary of 001
This chapter is talking about a girl Angel on her first day of middle school, how she spent hours on the assembly ground, and the boring orientation, by the principals sister, Miss Anna Jones. How she talked to everyone except the guy at the back of the class, who she might or might not have a crush on.

(I mean in chapter two we all saw or read what happened )
And the chapter was concluded by her saying that the first day of school was the best day of school.

So that was pretty much everything that happened

Now to the chapter at hand


I don't think I'm willing to see those two today, sure I've seen it in movies, read it in books, but seeing it in real life is just messed up
These are the times you wish your seatmate is not actually your seatmate, what if they threaten me, I'm too young to die,wait I got an idea

As I walked into the class I walked over to the only person in the class without a partner, David. “David can I seat with you? ”,“Why ask when you know I'm gonna say yes, sit”he replied
Classes were so interesting, David made me fall off my chair laughing, like 5 times, like OMG that guy will make a good Comedian.

I'm currently in the class alone cuz I don't want to go to the cafeteria, I hate eating in front of people, never liked it ,never will

why are you eating in the class alone”the voice I know too well said “None of your business Morgan”I replied with a bored  tone 😑“Okay, look about what you saw yesterday -”he was cut of by me 😅
“What did I see yesterday?” I said with a very convincing innocent voice 😊,even without looking at him I already knew he was confused 😕

“What do you mean, you know what I'm talking about ”He said
“No, no I don't ”I said seriously bored, I can't wait for him to just leave, I'm hungry (what?, the way to my heart is through my tummy) “Okay I don't get what's happening so I'm gonna leave”
“Okay, bye, hit the door on your way out ”,don't know why I said that, but there's this anger in my soul, I just feel like punching him for some reason
And boom he's outta the class ,
Why do I feel sorry for what I just did ,no I'm only sorry for Stella for ruining her life with Steve over here

A\N :i don't know if it's just me or is it funny when she calls him Steve

Don't forget to


And like I said
If  you want to


Love y'all

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