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She was radiant and full of life.
Kind, loyal and extremely nice.
She was too good for her own good,
Trusted more than she should.

Her mind was full of curiosity,
Her soul was made of generosity.
Yes she was clumsy and made mistakes,
Handling her wasn't a piece of cake.

Her outlook was positive and heart full of hope,
Hanging to every relationship with thinnest of ropes.
She made many friends but got broken trusts,
Tried many times but the life wasn't just.

She kept her hope up and waited day and night,
Unaware of how the darkness around slowly ate away her light.
She needed someone to talk to, to sort things out,
But the rush of life was getting too loud.

She knew she wasn't alone in this mess,
The feel of void and the taste of loneliness.
She smiled through the turmoil going inside her mind
She wanted happiness in any shape or kind.

People gave her encouragement and advices, but it was all taking a toll,
After escaping all of this ruckus, she found herself near the gates of her soul.
As she stepped inside, she felt no ground,
But found deep raging ocean all around.

She was afraid, if she delves in too deep she'll drown,
But without risk nobody is found.
Instead of flailing and struggling she let herself float,
And she found herself on the self discovery road.

Now she no longer felt alone,
As she found a friend between all the gloom.
And when the shrill of loneliness became mute,
She found herself blissfully in solitude.

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Ciao adios. ✌


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